Tea Flavored Poison

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Loki opens his eyes to see a rustic-looking ceiling. A searing pain runs through his mouth and his first instinct is to hold his jaw. Instead of the soft flesh, he was expecting, his fingers come into contact with a harder, woven material. He springs up quickly, memories of earlier that day coming back. His eyes search his surroundings, focusing on the rustling of footsteps and clank of dishes coming from his left.

A bar separates the living room from the kitchen. Loki is able to look over it to see the back of his capture. He freezes when he sees her, making sure to stay as quiet as possible. He makes a motion to stand and lets an involuntary grunt out under his breath.

He looks down at the source of his discomfort to see his leg wrapped tightly in cloth. He had forgotten about the wound. He takes a look at his surroundings. He's laying on 2 towels and a very fluffy blanket on a rug in what seems to be the living room. On his left, a bowl of brownish water, besides that are several other wraps, some type of ointment, and a piece of his bloodied pants. He can't remember shifting back but is thankful that he did with clothes on. He disregards this thought to ponder a bigger one:

Why did she help me?

A sudden shout from the kitchen causes him to look up.

"Hope your back doesn't ache too much." Kiora picks up the two mugs she was working on and begins to head towards her newest problem.

Loki waits a moment before replying.

"Surely you could have put me somewhere more comfortable."

Kiora chuckles and bends down to hand him a mug.

"Yeah, but I didn't want to get blood on my couch." She grins.

Loki scoffs and hesitantly takes the mug, eyes not leaving Kiora as she goes to sit on said couch.

"Of course, choose the maintenance of your pathetic furniture over the comfort of a dying man," he sneers.

Kiora's grin stays plastered on her face as she responds.

"Dying? Come on kid don't be so dramatic." She takes a sip from her mug. "Plus, with those Asgardian genes, you should be fine in no time. Hell, you're already talking and I only dislocated your jaw, what? 12 hours ago? 'Thanks to your magic too I bet."

Loki's position tenses further.

So she knows who I am.

Kiora takes another sip and then gestures to his mug. "Drink, it'll make your throat feel better."

Loki let's lose a dry laugh. "And get poisoned? I think not."

Kiora tilts her head. "If I wanted to kill you I would have left you in the woods for the real wolves to eat. Plus, I bandaged your leg and set your jaw in place so it would heal properly, that's got to count for something."

Loki places the mug on the floor and tugs at the material wrapped around his chin to the top of his head until it comes loose. He throws it to the side and stands, balancing on his left leg.

"What exactly do you want from me witch?"

Kiora gestures to a chair opposite the couch. "Sit."

Loki flexes his arms out, two daggers appear with the motion. He begins to move towards Kiora aggressively. She rolls her eyes.

"I've had just about enough of your demands."

Kiora spreads her fingers and lifts her hand. A flick of her wrist sends a large black blast towards Loki. He flies back into the wall, eyes wide.

"You're embarrassing yourself kid, know when you've been beaten." She says the last word louder, emphasizing it.

Loki scoffs but sits still to think over his options. Finding no way of escape, he concedes and limps over to the mug, then to the seat across from the woman. He smells the green liquid and takes a sip. The tea warms his throat and dulls the ache.

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