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"Hi, is this Peter Parker's guardian?"

The billionaire quirks an eyebrow and immediately stops what he's doing. He steps out of the kitchen. "Who's this?"

"My name's Lia, I am calling from Midtown high. We tried to contact Peter's aunt but she did not respond and this was the only other number listed in his emergency contact information."

The philanthropist had Jarvis put it there after Germany."Yes, I am his second guardian." he lies through his teeth.

"Peter got into a fight today with three other students, afterward he was seen on camera leaving school grounds with another student."

Tony Stark sighs. It's unlike Peter to act out of line, he's usually an angel.

"Thank you for calling me, I'll handle it." He hangs up and walks back into the kitchen.

"Triple imposter." Natasha looks up. "I need you to track down a baby spider."


"I didn't know they had pizza on Asguard" Peter chirps besides Loki. The god had asked him where the closest pizza place is and the two began their walk.

"We don't, Kiora bought it for me yesterday night when we were waiting for you to make an appearance."

Peter nods his head. He looks at his shoes as they walk, working up the courage to ask something of the ex-villain.

"How exactly do you know Kiora? Are you two dating?"

Loki chuckles, "I would never be in a courtship with that," he pauses, looking for the right word. "Incessantly annoying brute."

Peter laughs. "So your friends then?"

Loki thinks this one over. "As much as Thor and I are friends I suppose."

"I see."


"You see her as a big sister."

Loki stops in his tracks. He immediately goes to disagree but stops himself. He thinks of all the times Kiora has ruffled his hair, called him 'kid', comforted him, fought with him.

Peter turns around and starts to walk backward. "So I'm right then?"

Loki scoffs and begins to walk again but says nothing else.


The unlikely pair arrives and orders. They settle down at a small table once their food is ordered. Not a lot of small talk is exchanged. Loki is observing anything and everything. He didn't much get to take in Earth's different cultures on his first trip. Their peace is quickly disrupted by a booming voice.

Loki and Peter turn from their seats. Both with pizza in hand and very guilty looks on their faces.

"You couldn't even make it to second period."

Kiora grabs Loki by his hair and pulls up, making him stand. She points to Peter.

"This kid is a cinnamon roll, don't you dare corrupt him!" Loki sneers and tries to pull away only for his head to be jerked back by Kiora's tight hold. Peter's in between laughing at the silliness of Kiora holding a god by the hair and blushing at her statement.

"I don't even know what that is, let go of me you brute!"

Peter chimes in, trying to ease the tension. "We should get out of here, let these people eat in peace."

"I don't know, I'm quite liking the show."

All three heads turn at once. Leaning against another booth is the meticulous black widow. Peter shrinks in his seat and Kiora lets go of Loki's hair with a shove. She examines the newest threat with a smile. After a moment, Kiora steps forward and extends a hand.

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