Well-intentioned Kidnapping

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Spiderman swings to Kiora and in one swift motion, lifts her from the ground before she can get a word in.

Kiora instinctively wraps her arms around the red and blue hero as soon as her feet lift the ground. One of his arms is under her knees, securing her to his chest, while the other one is busy propelling them through the air. She looks back at Loki struggling to keep up on the ground.

"Not that I don't enjoy the view, but what do you think you're doing?" Her voice is captured by the wind but she knows he heard her.

"That guy down there is really dangerous, we need to get to Mr. Sta- Iron Man." Kiora's eyes widen and she decides it's time to stop messing around. Her hands trace up from the teen's neck to his temples. Spiderman turns to Kiora, about to say something but is only able to watch the black layers seep into her eyes before he's pulled back.

It feels like his head is pulled back, he braces for his neck to snap when his head reaches its limit. It doesn't, it keeps going, and suddenly it's as if Peter is being pulled out of his body into a swarm of chaos. Into his past.

Kiora looks around in the vision. The boy she's come to learn is named Peter, stands above a grave. He has on a backpack and a pair of worn-down classes. He's scrawnier and all-around smaller. Kiora figures this must be before he gets his powers.

Ben parker

Loving husband and Uncle

Kiora reads it of the tombstone. Peter kneels next to it. He clutches the watch on his wrist and begins to cry. Kiora gathers his address quickly, trying to make this as swift as possible. Then, she lets go.

Opening her eyes the first thing she sees in the night sky. Then the tops of buildings getting farther away, then the rushing of air hits her, she's falling. Looking to her left she sees Peter a few inches next to her. She extends her darkness in a cocoon around him, ready to brace his fall. It all happens in a matter of seconds, she doesn't have time to think about herself.

Closing her eyes and tightening her muscles, the woman's body involuntarily braces itself for impact. She expects hard ground and bruised bones. She's met with neither when the rushing air stops.

Kiora opens her eyes to meet familiar green ones. Loki caught her, bridal style, just before she hit the ground.

"Was this part of the plan?"

Kiora rolls her eyes, "so maybe I'm a little out of practice."

Loki drops her on the hard floor, she lands with a groan.

"How long were you living in that cabin exactly?"

Kiora ignores the question, gets up, and walks towards Peter who's still wrapped safely in her darkness but now on the ground. His eyes are wide and a single tear wrests on his cheek. He looks up at Kiora.

"What, what just happened?"

Kiora kneels down next to him. "Sorry kid" is all she says before delivering a blow to the jaw, knocking the hero out cold.


"You've got to be kidding, is this an Iran Man Toy?"

"He might be a hero but he's also still a kid Loki."

"Oh Valhalla! There's one of Thor!"

A loud smack can be heard, followed by a harsh whisper.

"Shut the fuck up you're gonna wake the kid!"

"Lay your disgusting Midgardian hands on my face one more time and I will rip them from your body."

"The technical term is bitch-slap."

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