Comforting Aftermath

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Kiora wakes in the morning to a heavy weight on her legs. Her eyes flutter around the room as she takes in yesterday's events. She looks down to see Peter in the exact position she left him last night.

She slept with her back against pillows and her head against the headboard, meanwhile, Peter's head is across her body to the side on a pillow, his stomach on her thighs. The teen fell asleep as she played with his hair comfortingly. It was something Kiora's sister did for her when she was little.

Tony opens the door to Kiora's room quietly. He sees the woman rubbing the sleep from her eyes as he walks in. He takes in her position and sighs. She met Peter 2 days ago and yet stayed up most of the night to make sure he was okay. Tony can't help but think fondly of her, not that he'd admit it.

Kiora looks up as she notices his presence. She keeps her voice low. "You look like shit."

"Thanks," Tony whispers back. He sits on the edge of the bed and they both exchange a smile.

"Sorry about shooting you." Kiora raises an eyebrow and Tony rolls his eyes. "Trying to shoot you."

Kiora grins. "Fix my wall and I'll forgive you."

"Technically it's my wall."

"You're not used to apologizing are you?"

"I'm not used to being wrong."

Kiora tilts her head. "Well, it's a good thing I'm here now to keep your ego in check."

Tony bites back another witty comeback and moves closer to Peter. He watches as the teen's chest rises and falls. He looks so peaceful.

"Thank you, for what you did for him." His voice is so soft, Kiora almost didn't catch it.

"I like helping people," Tony looks up at the girl, "it's a nice change of pace."

The two adults quiet as the teenager starts to stir. Peter stretches and flips onto his back, still on Kiora's lap.

"Hey, there kid." At his mentor's voice, he opens his eyes. Tony is smiling at him, it puts his mind at ease. He looks up further and sees Kiora. His eyes widen and he jumps up from the bed.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to fall asleep on you!"
Kiora chuckled.

"It's okay kid, just glad to see you without dark circles for once."

Peter looks down at the bandages along his torso, some are bloodied.

"We need to change them," Tony says, starting to walk towards Peter.

Kiora grabs his arm, holding him back. She doesn't want to overwhelm the boy. "Are you okay with us helping you with your wounds, Peter?"

The teen gives a small nod still looking down. The three walk into Kiora's bathroom. The supplies they used last night are still on the counter. Peter takes a seat on the counter and Kiora grabs his hands.

"I'm sorry I rushed you into things, Peter. I understand if you want me to leave."

Tony wanted to butt in, say that she did nothing wrong. But he knows he should respect Peters feelings and what he wants.

"I want you to stay please." Kiora smiles softly and Tony lets out a breath of relief.

"Okay underoos," Peter smiles at the nickname, "I am gonna unwrap the gauze and bandages now. We are going to clean you up with some wet towels, put some ointment on your bruises and cuts, wrap you back up and you'll be on your way. Sound good?"

Peter manages a small nod and Tony starts. Kiora watches as the teen winces and jumps every now and then as they work. Eventually, the woman works up the courage to ask the question both she and Tony were wondering.

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