Back-to-School Haircut

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Loki sits atop an upside-down metal trash can in front of a very eager Kiora. Peter is watching quietly from her side, still wary of the god. They both watch as she pulls out a jagged dagger from her boot. Peter raises his eyebrows at this, Loki doesn't seem surprised.

"What exactly are we doing?"

Kiora's grin widens. "You're going with Peter to school because I refuse to believe you can be left alone on Earth and not pick a fight with some..." Kiora clears her throat and imitates Loki, "puny mortal."

Loki rolls his eyes.

"So we need you to look the part."

"You do realize I can cast an allusion of my younger self right?"

"Yes, but there's is a common practice here on Earth done by teenage girls every time they have a mental breakdown called, 'if I cut my hair all my problems will dissolve instantaneously.'"

Peter unsuccessfully tries to hold back a laugh.

"That's mindless beyond belief," Loki deadpans.

"Yes, yes it is." Kiora agrees. "But, changing something about your appearance can push forward the mindset of entering a new stage in your life." She plays with the dagger while she speaks, bouncing it up and down between her fingers.

Loki sighs, and thinks it over.

"Still no."
"I think it looks great Mr. Loki!"

The god grumbles in response, his hair is shorter now and is pushed slightly forward onto his forehead.

"I can't believe that witch dared to hold me down."

Peter holds back another laugh and quietly smiles to himself. Loki made an allusion to his younger form, matched with the new hairstyle it would take someone who really knew him to recognize the god. It doesn't do anything to calm Peter's nerves as they walk through the crowded hallways to the main office of midtown high.

Luckily they are able to get Loki enrolled in the blink of an eye and in all the same classes as Peter. Peter begged Loki while walking in to let him do the talking, he ignored the teen but didn't say a word. Kiora's warning still lingered in his head.

You listen to Peter and stay by his side no matter what. I don't care if you have to piss together. Under no circumstances do you lose your temper or I will reach into the darkest depths of your mind and make you relieve your worst memories, got it?

Loki shudders. He knows Kiora was using hyperbole of course, but her threat got across the same.

The two walk to their first class. The first two periods ended up flying by rather quickly. Loki took a seat at the back in both classes. He spent the entirety of the first-class either sleeping or watching some kid threw spitballs at Peter. He wondered briefly why the teen didn't do anything to stop it, but mostly enjoyed the humor in the situation. He follows Peter closely once the bell rings.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did."

"It's about your horns."

Loki stops walking and looks at Peter irritably, expecting another backhanded or not so sly insult like most non-magic-wielding people do when 'questioning' his costume choices.

"It's just that I read about you in books of Norse mythology and they said it was a symbol of your mastery in magic, plus they look really cool, and I was just wondering how long you had to train or study and in the end how did you prove your mastery to you go through a test or a trial..." the kid rambles on.

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