A Brothers Jealosy

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Shit goes down next chapter.

Thanks to Wanda, Kiora had found a spare outfit in her closet. Shorts that went down to just above her knees and a light red long sleeve shirt. The little witch must have picked up on what she was comfortable with. Kiora didn't expect to find a bathing suit and was much more used to swimming fully clothed anyway. Granted, most of those times she was running for her life.

The pool area was predictably empty. A large window stretches across the side of the room. Kiora walks in front of it, hands against the glass. She takes in the view of the city. Heavy steps come towards her.

"May I," Thor hesitates, "may I see a demonstration of your power?"

Kiora turns around and smiles. She extends her hand, letting a ribbon of darkness extend from her palm. She floats it around Thor, who watches in amazement, before bringing it back to her hand and dancing it between her fingers.

"I'd only ever heard of umbrakinesis."
Kiora looks up, eyebrows scrunched.

" What?"

"Umbrakinesis, the power of darkness manipulation."

Kiora looks down at her hand, the black ribbon spins on the top of her index finger. She whispers more to herself than to Thor. "I didn't know it had a name."

Not wanting to invite more questions, Kiora changes the topic.

"How is it that you fly?"

Thor chuckles. "Mjolnir hoists me through the air," he turns and motions with his hands to demonstrate. "I can see why you would be interested," his tone takes on a gloating spirit. "It is a great power indeed..."

Turning back around to face his new acquaintance, Thor is met with the upside-down face of Kiora. She's holding on to her knees, her dark hair falls straight to the floor and eyes gleam with mischief.

"I couldn't agree more." Kiora floats back, turning herself right-side-up as she does. Now she's in a lying position, holding one of her knees while the other leg rests elegantly in the air. Thor examines the little black lines floating around her body in awe. Kiora extends a ribbon towards Thor, leaving it just out of its reach. He hesitantly looks at it.

"You can touch it," Kiora insists, "it won't hurt you unless I want it to."

Thor reaches out, slowly at first, then gains momentum. He takes a step forwards and the ribbon floats up. He looks at it, then at Kiora. Upon seeing a grin etched on her face he begins to understand.

"I see why you and my brother get along."

He jumps up, only for the ribbon to move to the side. He moves his body mid-air so that his left hand extends after it. He misses by a centimeter. Kiora moves the ribbon down, in front of him and slowly moves it back. Thor snatches forward and forward until...


A burst of hysterical laughter leaves Kiora's mouth. Thor was too busy admiring her magic to realize she was floating over the pool. The god underneath the water pouts, then moves discreetly below Kiora who's still floating horizontally in the air.

The giggles from Kiora's lips keep coming and soon she's grabbing her stomach from the impending cramp. Going for another chuckle, the air is cut abruptly from her lungs when two strong arms wrap around her waist. Thor jumps up from the water and pulls the trickster down with him. They both come up moments later gasping for air.

"Thor!" Kiora feigns annoyance causing the older man to laugh.

"You really do remind me of Loki."

Kiora's playful tone fades into a slightly more serious one. "Speaking of, how is he getting settled?"

Thor sighs, the smile leaving his lips. "To tell the truth, my brother has barely spoken to me."

Kiora looks down and purses her lips. She expected as much.

Trying to bring up the mood again she splashes Thor. "He'll come around."

The god smiles, thankful that his brother was in good hands in his time away.


Wanda and Peter turn from the living room couch to the sound of laughter coming from the elevator. In comes two very soaked people that leave a trail of water behind them. Wanda stands to greet them and Kiora immediately jumps forward. Thor heads off to get changed.

"I'm sorry for the mess, I just didn't want to bother you for new clothes and Thor," Kiora looks at the direction he walked out with a small smile, "accidently fell in. Thank you again for the clothes, I'll wash them."

Wanda shakes her head. "It's alright, just happy you're settling in well."

At Wanda's voice Kiora's eyes widen and a large grin spreads across her face. "I love your accent! Where are you from?"

Wanda's taken aback. Most of the new people she meets have read her file and know most everything about her. Yet she stands this woman, with a giant smile on her face, who seems genuinely delighted to meet her. It's refreshing.

"Sokavia." Kiora's smile drops slightly. Wanda expected this, her home is now known as the fallen city, only regarded with despair and pity.

"It was beautiful." Wanda smiles, pleasantly surprised again.

"Have you visited?"

"A couple years ago, my favorite part was all the outdoor pubs if I'm being honest. The scenery was beautiful and all the people there were so lively."

Wanda laughs. "They were obnoxiously loud."
Kiora tilts her head. "Yeah, but lively sounds better."

Wanda grins at the girl, she deciding she likes her already.

Kiora looks to the couch at the other person in the room. Peter sits at the edge, he's blankly looking at the TV and slouching more than usual. There are dark bags under his eyes. Kiora noticed something off with him when they first met, it left a sinking feeling in her chest. Now that feeling is only getting stronger and without knowing it she slowly started to extend a ribbon of darkness at the unsuspecting teenager's head.


A rough hand grabs her arm. Kiora's darkness dissipates and she looks up at Captain America. His face holds a disdainful look. Peter looks over, not sure what's going on.

"I meant no harm, sometimes my thoughts get carried away and my powers obey subconsciously."

Steve lets go of her arm but maintains his glare.

"Well, then I suggest you keep your thoughts in check before you get your powers under control."

"Steve..." Wanda cuts in, obviously disapproving of his tone.

"It's alright Wanda," Kiora says, still meeting the man's eye.

An awkward tension fills the room and Kiora announces that she will check on Loki. She'd been meaning too after she talked with Thor and it also happened to be a perfect excuse to walk away.



Kiora knocks on his door. No answer.

"Loki I can feel your darkness I know you're in there."

Being it 9 o'clock she could have assumed that he was sleeping, but she knows the god better than that.

Loki opens the door abruptly. "Shouldn't you be with Thor?"

Get's jealous easily. Kiora makes a mental note.

"Did you come looking for me?"

"I asked the A.I. where you were."

"What A.I.? Doesn't matter, look, you can't expect me to only hang around you while we are staying here."

Loki scoffs, "it's not about that."

"Isn't it?"

"It's about you and my brother talking about me behind my back."

Kiora sighs, his paranoia really is something to be careful with.

"You were mentioned very briefly and-"

"I knew it!" The god cuts her off, his fear confirmed.

"Would you just listen to what I asked?"

"I've heard enough. Leave."

Kiora steps forward, ready to explain but Loki's hand goes out and blasts a spray of green energy at her chest. She flies back and hits the hallway wall. By the time she gets her bearings, Loki's door is closed. Kiora sighs and stays seated on the floor.

She mumbles to herself. "What A.I.?"

"I am Jarvis Ms. Jinx, I was created by Mr. Stark and run through the tower." A voice booms above Kiora, she jumps to her feet.

"Oh. So you're sentient?" Kiora manages to get out after her initial shock.

"As much as a program can be ma'am." Kiora shudders.

"Ugh, please don't call me that, or Ms. Jinx, Kiora is fine."

"Alright, Kiora."

The woman nods her head in approval. "Nice to meet you J, can I call you that?"

"You may call me whatever you wish."
Kiora smiles and begins to walk to her room. She thinks back to a couple of minutes ago before addressing the A.I. again.

"J, can you ask Peter to meet me in my room in 15 minutes?"

"Right away."

Her hands move to the pockets of her still wet shorts as she walks. The spiderling and her are overdue a chat.

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