Chapter 4

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The best summer of my life started like any other summer. The only difference was that I was graduating. Okay, that was a BIG difference. Anyways, I never knew that what happened this summer will still haunt me months after actually happening.

"Honey, you look so beautiful today," said my father with his camera in his hand ready to take a picture, "don't get me wrong - you always look beautiful, my little angel, but today especially."

"Thanks, Dad, but can we make this quick? We can't be late and then I won't look beautiful," I said, half-laughing at him. When I was younger I enjoyed these moments of my picture being taken, but now it just meant us leaving home later and I wanted to meet Daniela before the whole thing begins.

"Yes, yes, a quick photo and then we leave, don't worry honey," said my dad just before taking a picture of me. I just managed to smile for the camera when it was over. Finally!

On the car ride to the ceremony, my mom tried to make a conversation, but it didn't help my nerves. I knew she was only doing that because she saw the worried expression on my face. When I saw her looking at me I quickly smiled at her to avoid her asking what I was worried about. I couldn't tell her about what I heard from Daniela - some people weren't graduating today, but we didn't know who. Could I've made some bad decisions? I thought my grades were all good, but what if I was wrong? What if it meant that I and my family got all dressed up, but actually don't celebrate anything? What if....

"Honey, we're here. Oh, look, there's Daniela with her family, we should go say hi, right?" said mom climbing out of the car. Okay, Rosie, get yourself together. You don't know for sure if the rumors were even true, to begin with, so why you should worry about something you couldn't even change right now anyways. I got out of the car and went with my family to meet Rodriguezes. They all were lovely people, we've been friends for a long time with them and I and Daniela were inseparable ever since we were 4.

My mom started talking with Daniela's parents but I couldn't focus. Daniela didn't look like she would know something more about the rumors so we had to wait and see.

We went and took our places. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear my name over the speakers. "Is Rosanna Isla Brown here with us today?" said the voice through the speakers calling me again. I realized that it meant me so I quickly stand up and made my way to the front of the room while cursing myself for getting me all worked up to almost missing my time.

Luckily no one asked me why I didn't hear my name the first time, but Daniela had this look on her face that was a mixture of worry and apology, so I gave her a small, but reassuring smile back.

Later we all came home and had a little celebration in our rose garden in the backyard. And by all I mean all - me, my parents, Daniela, her parents Lucy and George, her older brother Tim (I had a crush a few years ago, but he said he sees me as his little sisters annoying best friend so I gave up on him) and Daniela's boyfriend John. We weren't good nor bad friends, I barely even talked with him, but he seemed to treat Daniela right, so her parents let him date their daughter. I was kinda jealous when Daniela told me about meeting John. I mean I always kinda knew that she would find a boyfriend before me because she was breathtakingly gorgeous and I wished her all the best. I just felt kinda left out because she started hanging out with him so it meant less time together for us. I just didn't like the idea to read all about the romantic and beautiful things and also hear them from Daniela, but not actually experiencing them on my own.

That was until I met him - the most handsome guy my eyes has ever seen...

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