Chapter 11

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"So, what did you wanted to talk about?" I asked as soon as we got to my room. I went to my dresser to find some clothes that weren't wet.

"I came here to talk to you because me and John got in a big argument and we may as well broke up. And also you may be mad at me because I cancelled on our day so late that made you go to town all alone. I thought you wouldn't want to see me so I turned my phone off and then after me and John got into argument I came straight away 'cause I thought you would be here and I could apologize and ask your advice or at least cry on your shoulder because I don't know what to do. I love him, Rosie, I really do and I'm sorry if sometimes I'm putting him before you. You know you're like a sister to me and maybe we do drift apart a bit but I want you to know that you're still my best friend and I don't want to replace you with anyone else. Not even John." she said, out of breath and then begin to cry.

Who the f- John think he is breaking my best friends heart like that? I left my clothes in the dresser and went to hug her. Sometimes it's better to let the tears come out and then we can talk.

"I'm not mad at you, Daniela," I whispered to her.

"You're not?" she asked breaking the hug and looking at me.

"No, I'm not. I was a bit annoyed but still had a nice day. I won't talk about it if you don't want me to. We can talk about what happened with you and John or we can watch some movie on Netflix - you choose. And, of course, you can stay with me tonight."

"Sooner or later we will need to talk about it," she said, "but I can choose a movie for us after?"

"Of course, what makes you feel better but if you don't mind, I want to finally get out of my wet clothes first, okay?"

"Yeah, please do. And can you-" she begin to ask but I already knew what she was about to say so I just gave her one of my pyjamas. "Thanks."

We both changed and then sat on my bed. I wasn't sure if she really wanted to talk about it right now but she was right - if they really broke up we would talk about it anyways.

"Why do you think you broke up? Is it because of the argument you had or.." I wasn't sure how I should finish the sentence.

"We were arguing about some little things like I always have to make something for us to eat because he doesn't like going out and usually orders for himself but never both of us and the arguing got so heated up that he said he cheated on me. I've always been about honesty between us and that fact that he cheated on me made me stop yelling at him then slapping him and taking my thing to leave. He didn't even come after me and hasn't tried to call me. Oh, right, I turned it off." She said then took her phone and turned it on.

"Well, it's not good that he cheated on you. Do you want me to talk with him or we could ask Tim?" I asked but then her phone started to buzz. She had several voice messages from John and some from her parents.

"What should I do?" she asked. I knew she asked about the voice messages from John.

"You can hear what he says. Then you'll know where you both really at and then decide what to do next," I said, grabbing my phone I continued, "I'll let your parents know that you're staying with me, okay?"

"Okay, why do you always know what to do or say?"

"I don't. I just know you, so I think what would be the best for you," I said smiling at her. While she decided whether or not to listen to John's voice messages, I unlocked my phone to text her mom when I saw an unread message from Tyson saying that he's going to bed but wishes we will talk more and wishing me sweet dreams. I instantly begin to smile then remember what Daniela just said and wiped off my grin. I quickly answered him and sent a message to Daniela's mom.

Then Daniela played John's messages. It was a mix between cursing at her and begging for forgiveness. Some later ones sounded like he had something stronger to drink. On the last one, he sounded like he was even crying when he said he regrets cheating on her.

"Wow," she said.

"You know what, he may changes his mind tomorrow, so why don't we watch something and then go to sleep."

We ended up watching Remember me but she fell asleep before the end. She woke up only when I tried to get out of my bed quietly so I could put my laptop on the desk.

"Did the movie ended already?" she asked.

"Yeah but you already know how it ends and we can go to sleep because it's already 3 am."

"Okay, goodnight, Rosie."

"Goodnight, Daniela."

Even when I turned off the light and could hear Daniela sound asleep I just couldn't fall asleep myself. So much has happened today. Especially Tyson. I wish I could tell Daniela about meeting him so then she wouldn't feel so bad about cancelling on me but it would also bring up the argument she had with John so I knew I had to keep him to myself for now. My little secret.

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