Chapter 14

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Today was one week exactly since the day I met Tyson. We've been chatting a lot but not actually meeting. Mostly because I felt bad about Daniela's break up from John, so spent a lot of my time with her. I tried to cheer her up as much as I could but when that didn't seem to work I went for distraction. We went for walks, slept one night in a tent and NOT in our backyard - it was kinda scary, tried new recipes together. We even cleaned out both of our house attics - it was hard but it actually took us two days in to get them both done. I kinda missed Tyson but since we didn't talk about when are we going to meet again I begin to feel like we both didn't feel the same as I thought. It felt like Tyson was being kind of distant and getting busier. I don't know. Maybe I was just imagining things, who knows? Even if I was busy I still checked my phone almost every other minute in case I missed a message or a call from him even though usually I didn't have any new message. Did I do something wrong? I mean - I don't really have any experience myself when it comes to dating but what if? Wait - maybe it was my kissing? I knew I overthink like A LOT but I couldn't help it. I knew I wasn't dreaming and that day did actually happen, so why did Tyson felt more distant? I would much rather appreciate the harsh truth rather than lies or no answers.

Daniela didn't feel like doing much today so she went back home. She was mostly staying in my room rather than her's. When she went I decided to call Tyson. I knew I wanted some answers. But what if he-

"Hello?" he said after picking up. It sounded kind of weird like he didn't know it was me.

"Tyson?" I asked, hoping that hearing my voice would change something.

"Yes, may I ask, who's calling?"

Did he really forget about me already? Was I right?

"It's Rosanna, we met in London last week," I said unsure if I should've said more.

"We did? I'm sorry, I just got a new phone so it seems that some numbers had gone missing," he said, still sounding unsure about knowing me.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called. It's just that we spent a lot of time together that day and it seemed that you liked me too but I should've known that it was too good to be true that someone like you would actually be interested in someone like me!" I said knowing that if I say more I will cry.

"Rosanna, right?" he said, "I'm sorry but I don't know who you are and I don't recall meeting you last week in London. I wasn't even in London last week, I was still in New York, only two days ago I came to London."

Was I really imagining that day? Was it all a dream? No, it couldn't be - it actually happened, I know it but why was he acting so different now? Maybe I was right and that was his way of distancing himself...

"I'm sorry-" heard him say before I ended the call and let the tears out. I couldn't hold them any longer. I felt physically sick. Was I that bad that I didn't deserve any of it? Or was it just a game to him? I knew it was too good to be true but I let myself believe it was more than that and it got me here - feeling pathetic and broken-hearted.

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