Chapter 3

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From there, their night sailed smoothly forward.


"Have you thought of a name yet?" Stefania asked Danielle who was caressing the brunette's noticeably grown stomach whilst gazing at it lovingly.

She was in her second trimester, about 16 weeks into her pregnancy. They had recently found out about the sex of the fetus, Danielle winning the bet between them and Stefania being just as happy to be blessed with a beautiful girl.

The blonde placed a soft peck on her girlfriend's stomach before looking up at her with the same adoration in her eyes. She nodded to the question, "I have a few in mind." she said, grabbing a pillow and placing it on the Italian's lap.

She laid her head down, closing her eyes as Stefania started to massage her head lightly, "Are you gonna tell me the names or am I supposed to guess..." she chuckled as she waited to hear her girlfriend's name suggestions. Stefania leaned down to place a short sweet kiss, both of them smiling into the kiss.

"Mmh so, I was thinking...Amara or Adelina? Do you like it?" the blonde recommended some names and opened her eyes, a smile immediately gracing her face upon seeing her girlfriend and hopefully future wife.

The brunette thought for a second before shaking her head, "Don't get me wrong, they are beautiful names, bambina. But, no to any name that starts with an 'A', please."

"Huh? Why?" Danielle asked confusedly as she sat up, her back against the headboard.

"Because if her name is Amara or Adelina Savre Spampinato then her initials will be 'A.S.S', ass! And I don't want her to get teased in school or college because of it." The Italian said, pouting as she saw Danielle clutching her stomach because of how hard she was laughing. Stefania playfully smacked her girlfriend's arm.

"I'm s-sorry. But oh my god, babe! You really think everything through, don't you? So I'm assuming you must thought of a name too?" Danielle managed to get out after she had calmed down from her laughter.

The older woman was still pouting, but that pout was soon turned into a smile after her girl had kissed her passionately. They pulled away and rested their foreheads against each other's, "I have! What do you think about the name 'Valeria'?"

The blonde smiled brightly before bringing Stefania into another kiss. "I love it." She mumbled as they pulled away.

"Valeria Savre Spampinato."

Danielle jerked up from her dream and immediately broke down in tears, her body shaking violently with each cry. The bittersweet memories from her past were now haunting her in the form of nightmares.

Luckily, Jaina and Barrett had decided to stay for the night, and on her hearing their best friend wail, they rushed into her bedroom. The two sat down on either side of Danielle and engulfed her in a hug.

They were terrified to see their best friend go back to the state they had seen her in 7 years ago. Nightmares, loud cries, body shaking...everything seemed to have came back along with the woman that was the reason behind it.

After a while, Danielle's cries died down to sniffles, "I-I am s-sorry for waking y'all u-up." she mumbled. Barrett softly rubbed her back as Jaina brought her hands up to her face and wiped the tears, "Dani, stop. You don't need to say sorry for showing emotions. I'm just glad we were here for you right now." the Latina said as she hugged her again. The room went silent, only the sound of soft weeps coming from the blonde echoing through the air.

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