Chapter 6

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"Hello to Paris I guess."

*Explicit Content Warning*

"Uhmm" Danielle let out a soft moan as she slowly stirred awake from her sleep, feeling an immense amount of pleasure coursing through her body.

The blonde looked at her gorgeous girlfriend who was currently in between her legs, "What—oh my fuck...what a-are you doing?" she asked, pleasure soon starting to replace her tired state as Stefania slowly dragged her finger along her throbbing folds.

"I'm taking care of you, baby." the brunette whispered as she got on top of her and grabbed her face, kissing her passionately.

Stefania grabbed the blonde's lower lip in between her teeth and pulled it slowly, Danielle letting out a muffled moan as she felt her girlfriend's tongue against her own. She unhooked the brunette's bra and chucked it aside, swiftly turning them so that she was now on the top.

Danielle admired the taller woman's body, "I wish you could see yourself through my eyes" 

The blue eyes looking at her naked body intensely made Stefania blush as she tried to cover herself up with her hands.

However, the younger woman was quick to grab her hands and pin them above her head, "Stop, no. You're beautiful." she said causing the brunette to look up at her with a smile.

"Now let me take care of you" Danielle whispered and leaned down to kiss her soft lips, slowly starting to make her way towards the Italian's neck. She could feel the brunette's rapid pulse under her lips, and she knew she had found her sweet point when Stefania's breathing quickened.

The older woman moaned as Danielle sucked on her pleasure point, right below her ear. The blonde left a couple of bruises around her neck, licking them later to soothe the burning. She moved her head back to admire her work, "I hope you have a shit ton of foundation if you are planning to go to work later."

The blonde started to leave soft kisses down the valley of her breast as she gently fondled them with her hands. She felt the Italian tug on her hair as she brought one of her erect nipples in between her teeth. She gave both her breast equal love and made her way to the area Stefania needed her the most.

The younger woman feathered kisses along her v-line, then around the inner thighs. "Danielle, no teasing please." Stefania could feel the blonde smirk against her skin causing her to look down with a glare.

"What do you want, Stefania?"


Danielle didn't let the woman wait any longer cause frankly, she couldn't either, as she swiftly dragged her tongue along the brunette's throbbing folds. The sudden rush of pleasure made the Italian gasp, her hands tightly gripping the bedsheets.

The blonde reached one of her hands up to hold Stefania's, the other one resting on her thigh as she continued the strokes with her tongue
"Ohmy—Fuck yes, baby! M-More" Stefania moaned, pleasure taking all over her body.

Danielle obliged and slipped two fingers in her, causing her girlfriend to arch her back as she screamed her name. With the mixed action (synonym) of her tongue and the fingers, she could feel Stefania's walls starting to clinch around her which made her speed up the pace.

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