Chapter 5

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"I think I might always be in some kind of love when it comes to Stefania."


"Here you go, a decaf and a blueberry muffin!" the young blonde handed the customer their order, smiling her sweet smile as the customer thanked her. "NEXT!"

Her eyes landed on a familiar brunette who was typing briskly, her gaze fixated on her phone's screen. Danielle's face glistened upon seeing the woman she had been admiring for a while now, but never had the guts to start a real conversation with.

"Hello ma'am! What can I get for you today?" the blonde asked.

"Uhm...can I just have a plain espresso and a croissant, please?" the taller woman then looked up at the big blue eyes which were looking right back at her. Stefania's eyes slightly widened as she saw the most beautiful woman she had seen in her life.

A cough broke her chain of thoughts, "Uhm i'm so sorry, d-did you say something?"

"Would you like a plain croissant or we have chocolate, almond, nutella and our holiday special, pumpkin pie?" Danielle repeated as she mentally smirked after realizing that the brunette was giving her the 'dreamy' eyes.

Stefania contemplated about her options and eventually settled on plain, the other varieties not appealing much to the Italian.

"Very well! That will be $6.20." Stefania handed the blonde a note of $10, "Keep the change." she smiled, Danielle returning the gesture.

Danielle walked towards her best friend who was using the espresso machine for another customer, "Jaina! Jaina! She's here again ohmygod!" the younger one whisper yelled as she repeatedly hit the Latina's shoulder.

Jaina swatted her hands away and turned to face her best friend who had the biggest grin on her face, "Relax, D! Who are you talking about? The tall brunette?"

Danielle nodded as she grabbed a demitasse from the shelf and the bag of ground coffee, "Yes, yes! She's here, and-and she finally saw me today and when she did her eyes like widened a little. Later on, I asked her what kind of croissant she wanted and she just kept looking at me with this dreamy gaze!!" she exclaimed, failing to hide her excitement.

Stefania was a regular customer in the café Danielle worked at, but she had never noticed the blonde before now. Maybe because Danielle was always on waitressing duty and they had to cross paths before, but since their barista was on a leave today the manager had substituted her.

"What are you doing here then?! Go give her the coffee and make a small talk." Jaina told her as she went back to serve her customers.

Danielle carefully returned to the front with the disposable tray in her hand and placed it on the counter in front of the brunette, "Your plain espresso and a croissant! Have a nice day and I hope you choose me—I mean this c-café a-again." she mentally slapped herself for her own words as her face turned a deep shade of red.

Stefania chuckled and thanked the younger woman as she moved to let the person behind her order. The blonde was internally screaming at herself for not making a conversation, but either ways there wasn't much she could've said after looking at the line of customers in front of her.

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