Chapter 4

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"Miss Doss, you are free to go, but Miss Savre stay back. I need to speak to you."

Trigger Warning: This chapter mentions sensitive topics like cheating, that may trigger someone.


Danielle hesitantly turned to face her and so did Barrett, "Miss Spampin—" the brunette was stopped when the CEO held up her hand.

"Miss Doss, I need to speak with her alone. You may leave now." she more so demanded, the latter having no choice but to listen.

Barrett lightly tapped the blonde's back, "You don't have to stay just because she is saying so. If at any point you feel uncomfortable, leave." she mumbled, and left the two alone in the office.

"Da-Miss Savre, please have a seat." the Italian corrected herself from calling the blonde by her first name.

"Miss Spampinato, if this is not regarding our work, dismiss me."

Stefania groaned, "Sit down." she ordered, her tone although low and scary it still caused heat to travel within Danielle. She didn't argue further and sharply walked towards the chair she had previously sat on.

"I'm sorry." Stefania didn't waste any time toggling around the subject, and came straight to the point. The younger woman looked off the side as she let out a laugh. She moved her chair back, standing up and marched towards the door.

However, before she could even reach the handle, Stefania had grabbed her hand and swiftly turned her around, keeping a firm grip on her.

Danielle tried to fight against her grip as she hit her in the chest repeatedly. However, the brunette didn't flinch a bit and instead slowly moved them towards the couch in her office.

The blonde had stopped trying to fight her as she now cried loudly. It wasn't that Stefania was hurting her physically, it was more so because of the emotional pain she was feeling at the moment.

The CEO slowly sat her down and crouched in front of her, the latter refusing to look her in the eyes. She was still crying as she gasped for air occasionally. It was clear to the other woman that she was having a panic attack, "Danielle, look at me." she said, but the blonde was too in her thoughts that she couldn't hear anything around.

Stefania gently grabbed her face and tilted it down so that she could finally see her eye to eye, "Breath baby, breath. Follow my breaths." she told her as she took a couple deep breaths in and then out, the blonde following her pattern. Danielle's heart had sped up on hearing her ex call her 'baby', which Stefania didn't seemed to have notice.

After her breathing had evened out, the Italian got up and dragged a chair in front of her and sat on it. Danielle yet again looked everywhere but the brown eyes that once she could not get enough of.

"Are you seriously not even going to look at me now?" the Italian sighed when she understood that the blonde wasn't going to look at to her any time soon.

Silence grew between them before Stefania let out a low grunt, "Fine, don't look at me but you'll have to hear me out."

She took a deep breath, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for every tear, every nightmare, every sleepless night that I was the reason for. Danielle, you ar- you were the best thing that has ever happened to, and I ruined that. I would try and offer you an explanation, but there are no excuses for what I did and what I put you thro—"

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