Chapter 10

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"Before you make a decision, I have to tell you something. Just wait until you get back here in LA, and after that you can choose. Mind or Heart."

You ready?
Tissues ready?
Okay here it is<3
A very VERY long chapter.

A few days had passed, Stefania and her colleagues had returned to Los Angeles. The two acted as if nothing had happened during their time in Paris, even though that specific night was the only thing on their minds ever since they came back. Danielle and Stefania tried to keep their meetings as professional as possible, but there were times they couldn't help but just gaze at each other. In a very non-professional way too.

It was a day off for the blonde and so she had decided to go on a brunch 'date' with Barrett.

"I don't want you to think that I'm not a supportive best friend or whatever, but I'm just being realistic here, D. Your relationship with her ended on a very horrible note. It took you years to get out of the dark place that she left you in, and you are still willing to throw yourself into that again?" The brunette asked. Barrett had seen how much of a mess Danielle was when Stefania had left. She knew there would always be love between the two, but she was also aware of the pain. And she didn't want her best friend to go through that ever again.

Danielle sighed as she looked out the window, her fingers fiddling with the cup's ear as she softly whispered, "But I love her."

Danielle came back to her home from the brunch, still quite unsure of the decision she had to make sooner than later. The blonde opened the door to her house, her eyes falling on an envelope on the floor.

With a curious gaze, she picked it up and walked inside her house, placing her keys by the door. She went into her living room and sat down on the couch, trying to find a name or something on the envelope.

Upon not seeing anything on the plain white envelope but just 'To Danielle' written on the front, she opened up the letter, immediately recognizing the handwriting.

To Bella,

You know I was never good with expressing how I feel, so I'm writing to you instead. And maybe also because I don't think I would've been able to tell you this in person, cause I know I would've cracked.

I have only loved two people in my whole life, and I lost both of them...both of you. There wasn't much I could've done when we lost our baby, our Val, but with you, I could've made better choices. But I didn't. I made choices that broke us. I made a choice to run away. I made a choice that night.

And I know you are conflicted with your feelings, so I am making this choice for you too.

I'm leaving LA. I'm going back to Italy, I don't know for how long or if i'll even come back here again. I don't know what's going to happen with us in the future, but what I do know is that I love you. I loved you then and I'll love you until I'm dead in the dirt. And I know you love me too. But we are not yet ready. I can't stay here and look at you everyday, but not call you mine. I'm not that strong. Which is why I have to leave.

Maybe we'll meet again someday, when I'm not so weak and you are not so unsure. Maybe one day we'll be right for each other and it won't be so hard for you to love me. Maybe we just found our forever at the wrong time, and someday, time will pull us back together. I really do hope that someday comes cause no one has ever taught my heart how to love the way you did.

But that day isn't today. Today is still not the right time. And as much as I love you, I can't keep pretending that we are just colleagues.

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