Chapter 9

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This made the taller woman pull away just a bit, a sly smile on her face, "Let's take this inside?"


"No." Danielle whispered as she slowly took a step away from the brunette who now had confusion written all over her face.

"I—I'm sorry...did I—did I read the signs all wrong? I m-mean you did kiss me back..." Stefania hesitated. She was upset but more so embarrassed about the current situation they were in.

The blonde shook her head and started to pace back and forth in the hallway itself, with her palms on her face, as mumbled weeps left her mouth.

Stefania cautiously approached her, and removed the palms away from her face, intertwining their hands together, "Just come in." she said as she opened her room's door a bit more so that Danielle could follow. Which she did.

Stefania took a seat by the foot of her bed, the younger woman following her suit, "I'm sorry for kissing you before you even finished your sentence. I just...I guess I thought it was the right time?"

Danielle looked down at her fingers and then back up at her ex, "It wasn't the right time, but I kissed you back Stefania. Consensually. So you don't have to be sorry for it." she said, smiling lightly at her.

There was a moment of deep silence between them before Stefania asked the question that was lingering in her mind for years,

"Do you regret us?"

The words made the blonde chuckle softly and sigh, "You will always be my first love, Stef. And not just like the first girl I liked or the one who took my breath away, but my first true love. I knew from the moment I met you that my heart belonged to you, because you are the only one who has ever made me feel...anything and everything at once. And just because our time wasn't meant to last long, that doesn't mean I regret the moments we shared together. I cherish them, even after these 7 years cause being with you were the happiest years of my life."

Danielle tenderly grabbed a hold of the Italian's hands, as the two looked at each other again. Just like back then, there was so much love in that one glance.

"I love you, Danielle. I always have and I always will."

The blonde could see the sincerity in Stefania's eyes, so she did what she couldn't express through words.

Stefania was startled once she felt soft lips touch hers. She didn't think it was really happening, but when she felt the blonde's thumb stroke her cheek, she realized that she wasn't kissing back.
So she did. With just as much passion and love as before.

Their kiss stayed soft and affectionate, both of them longing for this moment. Neither of them wanted to let go of each other, cause deep down somewhere they felt it, that this was probably going to be a goodbye kiss.

Cause like always, all good things must come to an end.

As much as they didn't want to, the couple pulled away from the kiss, but not completely. They rested their foreheads against each other's, tears running down on both of their cheeks.

Stefania moved one of her palm to the back of Danielle's head, bringing it down to rest on her shoulder. The blonde whimpered against her, as the older woman kept her as close as possible. Stefania wanted the time to stop, she wanted this to last for a little longer.

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