Chapter 7

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Or maybe it was the fact that she enjoyed the way Stefania's eyes on her made her feel...


Danielle stretched her arms as their group walked out of the airport, the pleasant weather immediately welcoming them. Stefania looked around, in hopes of finding the company's cab that was supposed to pick them up.

"Ah ha! There. Let's go." she said as she spotted their ride, and guided her group towards it.

As they got closer, a raven haired girl stepped out of the car, her infectious smile catching the blonde's attention. "Bonjour à tous! I'm Natalie Dupont, Mr. Théroux assistant. I'll be escorting you all to the hotel today. I hope you all had a good time on the flight." the French woman greeted, her eyes lingering a bit longer on Danielle, which didn't go unnoticed by the CEO.

"Yes. We we had a very relaxing flight. But my team and I are quite tired, so if you don't mind will you take us to the hotel now?" the brunette croaked. The younger woman caught on to the jealous in her ex's voice and smirked to herself.

She approached Natalie, "Danielle Savre. Nice to meet you, Natalie." she said in a flirtatious tone, and extended her hand. The assistant brought the blonde's hand up to her lips and placed a soft peck on it, " that French too?"

"Oh no no. My parents just really liked the name I guess."

"Well, j'aime aussi le nom...I like the name too." Natalie told her, the smug grin on her face making blood rush to Danielle's cheeks.

Stefania was fuming on the inside as she watched the two openly flirt, "cazzo di inferno, voglio uccidere questa donna." she grumbled and stumped her way inside the van; Jesse, Oak and Camilla following their CEO hastily upon noticing the sudden change in her demeanor.

The brunette rolled her windows down and looked at the pair who were happily chatting, "Miss Savre and Miss Dupont, if you two are done here, we can leave. Some of us would like to freshen up and rest after the long flight we had." she hissed.

The pair got in the car, Danielle taking the only seat vacant which just so happened to be next to Stefania's, "Danielle, we are here in regards of work. Any sort of dalliance won't be tolerated and is against our company's ethics, do you understand?" she whispered so only the blonde could hear.

The latter faked a smile, "Noted, Miss Spampinato." she said and turned to look outside of the window. She knew the older woman didn't give a fuck about the company's so called 'ethics', but that she was just jealous. She knew the Italian too well to be fooled by the professional cloak she was wearing.

On the other hand, the brunette knew very well too that she had no right to get jealous. After all, Danielle had made it clear the other day that they were nothing but co-workers, but she couldn't stop the sting in her heart she felt earlier when she saw the two interact so closely.

They arrived at the hotel shortly, Natalie going to the reception as the others lounged in the lobby. The French woman came back with keycards in her hand and the same warm smile adorning her face, "Okay, sorry for the wait! We could only book 3 rooms, but they all have 2 beds. I take that Miss Spampinato will assign you all the rooms, so here." she handed the cards to the CEO, to which the latter forced a smile.

The raven haired clasped her hands and looked back at the blue eyes that she had started to grow fond of, "I have to get back to the office now. You have the rest of today free for leisure, and tomorrow the company's car will be here to pick you all up again at 8:30 am. The hotel provides room service as well as there is an open buffet at all hours. If anything, just give me a call." she took out 5 of her business cards and handed them to each.

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