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Six months later 

Danielle remembered a time in her life, when she was younger she had said she was never going to get married.

"Can you tone it down with the makeup, please?" Danielle pushed her sister's hand away gently, only for her sister to give her a look. The younger woman gave in, allowing her sister to put a little more makeup on.  The door to her dressing room opened, and in came her other maids of honor, besides her sister.

"We got a letter!" Jaina said excitedly as Barrett extended the envelope towards the bride. Danielle raised her eyebrow, looking at the envelope in confusion before panic rushed in and tears started to well up her eyes, "Oh my god! D-Did she leave?? No no n-"

Before escalating, Barrett smacked her on the back of her head and pointed at the letter, "No she did not leave, you idiot. We just came from her room and she told us to give you this letter." The blonde quirked her eyebrow again, still confused about all this. "She said something about what she looks forward to in the marriage?" 

"Oh okay..."

The latina rushed, "Read it out loud." Danielle took the envelope, opened it and unfolded the letter. She awed at how fancy it was, which made Barrett, Jaina and Stephanie roll their eyes at her.

Clearing her throat, Danielle noticed that it wasn't too short nor too long, then began reading.

To My Bella,

Ahhh I know the last time I wrote you a later, it wasn't really a good one. But I promise you this one is not as sad...well, it is but a good kind of sad!

I feel like I'm in such a typical love story where the girl finally gets the person they've been wanting their whole life. Except, our story is entirely different...there was so much drama and heartbreak. Our story was a rollercoaster I never want to go back in line for to go through again. But if
I could, I would go back in time to be with you through the times you felt like you were alone.

I know I'm hard to love. Some days I'm all smiles and affectionate and then other days there's nothing more I want than to be alone. Sometimes I might get angry or jealous about stupid things, and won't talk to you. But even then, know that I love you and trust you very much. Anyways, I can't wait to make more beautiful memories with you. You are the perfect idiot for me.

Currently though, I'm really looking forward to finally call you my wife.

P.S. you're not the only romantic one in this relationship ;)

Yours only,
Stef <3

Danielle slowly wiped her eyes, mentally thanking Stephanie for using waterproof eye mascara. "I feel like an ass, I didn't write her one." she said, standing up and looked in the mirror. And she was happy with what she saw, wearing something she didn't expect to wear on a day she didn't expect to happen.

She smiled confidently before turning around to meet the three pair of eyes staring at her, "But I think my vows will blow her away." She smirked, earning raised eyebrows from everyone.


"...Danielle." She broke out of her staring contest and turned to face Lachlan who was officiating their wedding, a confused look on her face because she wasn't sure what was going on. "Your vows?" A few laughed, knowing very well the blonde was getting distracted with her soon-to-be-wife's beauty.

She nodded before clearing her throat, "It might sound too chessy, and if it does, just accept it and move on okay." The small crowd laughed, including Stefania, which made Danielle inwardly high five herself for causing the beautiful sound to resonate. 

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