Italy Bombing(2)

905 9 4

1955 H.Y.D.R.A Siberia base.

Veronika POV

I had spent 15 years so far at the hydra base I was sent to. They haven't frozen me yet because I needed training, but now that I've been training for 15 years I was about to be frozen.

In a cold emty room there was a shower head, a drain, a single bar of soap and a chair with black clothes and a black towel folder on top of it.
I got in the shower, it was ice cold and it sent goosebumps down my spine. I used the bar of soap to not only wash my body but my hair too. It wasn't exactly luxurious here at hydra, instead it was dark and scary and cold I you always felt like something bad was going to happen. I tried your best to make the most of my shower because I knew that after this I would become a winter soldier just like the other man who came here when I was a child, but he has been frozen most of his time here so he could only be a couple years older than be by now.

I turn off the shower and put the bar of soap on the ground, I then proceeded to get changed into the black clothes they had left for me. A black tank top and black pants. Then I patted my hair dry with the towel and opened the heavy metal door of the small room I was in. Outside the room stood two guards who linked arms with me and brought me the opposite way down the hall. I never wanted to go this way because I had always heard screams of pain coming from the door at the end of this hall. "No, stop I DON'T WANT TO!" I screamed at the guards while trying to get out of they're grip, they injected something in my neck and then -------

I woke up strapped to a chair. I felt tired, like as if I had been fighting all day long, but then two big black things covered my head and one of my eyes and then I felt the most painful thing I had ever felt in my life, I started to scream and cry in pain, my voice was screeching and my jaw was clenched, I didn't know how much more of it I could take, I passed out.

I gained consciousness again right before two men stood me up in a long machine, there was two of these machines in the other one there was a familiar man who was frozen and wasn't moving. The two agent looking people closed the glass door of the machine I was standing in and went over to a console table in the middle of the room and pressed a blue button, suddenly I started to feel stiff. There was ice getting closer and closer to my face and my body started to feel like a statue until eventually I was in a deep sleep.


I was out of the ice and I was strapped to a chair, I was being spoken to in russian. Then the man standing in front of me opened a red book with a black star on it
The man continued to read from he book

Грузовой вагон

As he said the words I felt more and more power come over me. I was angry now and I had so much energy.

Зимний солдат (winter soldier)

Готовность к соответствию (ready to comply)

Ваша миссия сегодня состоит в том, чтобы отправиться в Италию, там есть m там, кто управляет подземным кольцом, чтобы попытаться сделать сыворотку супер солдата и принять гидру. Я хочу, чтобы ты убил их всех
(Your mission today is to go to Italy there is a man there who is running an underground ring to try and make super soldier serum and take down hydra. I want you to kill them all)

I was now in a jet on my way to Italy. This was a solo mission one I could do very easily if I did it right.
I was getting my stuff ready, I couldn't bring guns to kill the guard because people would get there before I could bomb the building and flee. So I had to bring daggers, I knew that bombing this building would bring my kill count up from 42 to 1,356 since there is going to be so many people in he building.
The jet landed. I got out and was given the bombs, the knifes, the grappling hook and a motorbike. I put the equipment in a bag along with the mask and goggles I would be wearing. I got on the motor bike and took a bumpy route through a forest where no one would see me, while going through the forest at full speed my eyes where dead set on the back of a building that was in the far far distance, I had a huge boost of adrenaline and I felt like all I could do was fight a kill. Once I saw the building getting close I came to a sharp hault on the motorbike sending me flying forward, I rolled over a couple of times before getting right back up and heading straight to the bag, I put my mask and goggles on and then strapped the knife to the side of my leg and I  strapped the bomb and the grappling hook to my belt. Then I made my way towards the building pushing tree branches out of my way.
I got to the back of the building and walked along the side of it, it was a tight space as there was two buildings side by side. I came up to the front of the building. I charged towards the two people that where standing at the front door. I punched the first guy in the face and then stabbed him in the stomach before going to the next guard and puncturing his neck twisting the knife and before I sliced it out the words "Hail hydra" slipped from my mouth in a thick russian accent. Then I rolled the bomb in the building and quickly got my grappling hook and got to the top of the next building and I pressed a button and ran faster that my legs could take me, this bomb was bigger than any other one ever created, it would demolish anything within five blocks, it was gonna go down in history. I was sprinting down the row of building just barely getting away on time. The bomb wiped out like 6 or 7 buildings everyone started to walk out of there houses shocked at what had happened, while they were distracted this was the perfect time to jump off the building and get to the motorbike. Once I was on the ground I began to sprint and I looked back at a child who had his head poking out the window. I stopped in my tracks, my hand clenched around my knife, I didn't hesitate I threw the knife towards his face and ran.
Sorry for the long ass action scene guys.

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