Freight Train(10)

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3r person POV

The last hydra agent who was on a motorbike was following the sound of an ice cream van that was down an alleyway.

He pulled the motorbike up behind the ice-cream truck and saw a man crying. "uh-eh-t-t-t-they went t-t-that way" he said pointing out of the alley at a train track. "They were in a blue c-car".
The agent didn't say anything.
He followed the car that he saw until he pulled up behind it.
Seeing bucky and veronika run beside the train and jump in.
He began chasing the train down on the motorbike matching the speed of the train once he got to the opening where Veronika and bucky had jumped in.
He didn't see them, he was confused because he had just saw them jump in.


A cold hand wrapped around his neck lifting him off the motorbike. Causing it to crash.
The train was coming up to a cliff and the agent knew what would happen next.
The train was now at a cliff and the metal arm let loose of the agent. Sending him falling to his death.
Bucky stood staring at another man he had killed, his hair blowing in his face, his knees weak.

Bucky looked back into the train at Veronika who was laying in a pool of her own blood passed out at this point.
"Veronika?" bucky said kneeling down beside her. He lifted he head up and lay it on his lap. "Hey. Wake up, are you okay?".

Veronika started to open her eyes a bit. "I'm okay, it's okay" she said with a raspy tone. "I'm just a little light headed. Ill sleep for however long it will be for this train to stop and it would probably be healed by then" she continued reassuringly.

Buckys POV
Veronika was passed out asleep, I was just staring at her, watching her sleep, she looked peaceful but I wondered what she was thinking about. She looked so harmless and innocent lying there on my lap, you wouldn't think that she could do what she could do.

I looked up from her and began looking around the place sing a pile of rags beside me. I grabbed one and began cleaning up the blood that had accidentally gotten on Veronica's face.
I paused for a second. Taking in her features. She was quite pretty, she had bright green eyes, thick eyebrows, long eyelashes, deep cheekbones and a sharp jawline. I found myself tracing my fingers along her face, I stopped once I realised what I was doing and just looked out the opening of the train and enjoyed the wind in my face and the odd raindrop here or there that managed to land inside the train. It was hard to enjoy things though, I always felt like I didn't deserve it.

If someone had killed my family I would hope that they never enjoy anything and I had killed a lot of people's family. Everyone has family.

I then looked at Veronika, wondering who her family was, wondering what she did before hydra.

Hours pass

Veronika POV
My eyes began fluttering open, I saw bucky over me looking out the train. It was thundering rain and I didn't know where we were.
I lifted my head from his lap, and I felt his hand reach underneath my head holding it stable. "Hey" he said smiling down at me "How's your arm"

"It's fine..... How long has it been" I said to him.

Bucky looked at his wrist which didn't have a watch on it. "I don't know 3 hours maybe" he said.

"Oh. Where is this train headed anyway?" Veronika asked.

Bucky looked down at her and shrugged.

She lifted her head off buckys lap and sat down beside him leaning on a crate.

They sat beside eachother in a comfortable silence until the day ended only having small conversations every few hours.

A day passes
Veronika POV

It must have been at least a day since this train started. Where where we going. Maybe we should get off when I stops? But then people would see us.

The train stopped again, but this time bucky got up. "We have to go at some point veronika, and look there's a boat over there" bucky said to me while pointing out of the freight, squinting at a couple of boats.

I got up and followed him, we snuck passed a few people until we got closer to the boats, we weren't exactly discreet. We were wearing our suits after all.

"We can sneak in now while there's no one there and get to the bottom of the boat or something" bucky said to me and I gave him a confused look to say that it was a dumb plan.

Bucky knew what I was thinking "You got a better Idea " he asked.

I didn't. So I followed him near the boat but stopped right before we were about to get on the boat.

"We should change, I mean look at the size of this thing there's gonna be a massive amount of people in hear" I said to him.

"Come on then" he said turning to jog to the back of some storage units,


We were now changed, bucky was wearing and old hoodie and jeans with a baseball cap. I was wearing some old black jeans and a cream coloured sweater.
"Thank god we brought the last of the clean clothes in this bag huh" bucky said smiling at me.
I smiled back and casually walked towards this massive cruise ship.

Along the way I saw an unattended suitcase in front of the other boat that was there. I looked up to bucky who was a few steps in front of me. Without him or anyone else looking I casually pulled the handle of the back along with me.

I caught up to bucky, we were now about to board the boat. He looked to the bag and furrowed his brows. Wrapped around the handle of the bag was a badge that could get us into the ship with a room number on it, whilst waiting in line I put it around my neck.

"Do I need one too" Bucky asked.

"No, because we are a happy couple named...." I paused to think for a second, and gripped buckys hand "... James and Jenny" I looked down at the ground and considered whether or not what I was going to do next was stupid. I put on an American accent "Were touring the world all the way from America."i said chuckling a little.
Bucky nudged my arm laughing.
It was a weird moment. Nice. But weird.

Still holding each others hand bucky and I walked into the ship.

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