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Veronika and I were staring at the door both of us were very weary of what was behind it, I heard the sound of a gun clicking and I shot a look at Veronika who was already concerned, I had to think fast and the first thing I saw was the window so I began running towards it. At the last second before I hit the glass I grabbed Veronika by the waist with one arm and we smashed through the window.
It was like it was in slow motion, glass was flying everywhere, my eyes were squinted but I got a glance of the door in the apartment opening, we were falling closer and closer to the ground, I put my metal arm around Veronikas head to protect the landing until we eventually hit the ground and rolled over a couple time both landing on our knees.

Civilians screamed, as they saw the two of us fall out the window and even more panic began to arise when gunshots were aimed at us from the top of the building, just at the window of our apartment.

The both of us pressed our self's up against the wall of the building so that whoever was shooting couldn't see us.

Three Hydra agents jumped out of the window with a wire making them land easy. They were right in front of us and adrenaline kicked in.

3rd person POV
Veronika took a knife from her pocked and threw it at the first man landing it in his neck, she then took the knife out of his neck and began using it against another one of the agents.
Bucky was fighting with the other guy, throwing and dodging punches, he grabbed the agents ankle with his metal arm and squeezed as tight as he could, shattering his ankle.
Veronika managed to kill the other guy with the knife and she took his gun out of his pocket and aimed it at the man whose ankle had just been broken. Bucky looked at her and then looked at the man her didn't want anymore people to die whether it was a hydra agent or a regular civilian, but Veronika hadn't had a life before hydra or the red room, all she knew was killing, it was the only way she could survive.
Bucky pushed her arm down and she missed the shot to the man's head instead hitting him in the abdomen.
More screams were let out by the man and the people around them. She looked at the man she had just shot guiltily almost about to try and help him but bucky pushed her back lightly and they began to run towards the motorbike. As they were running the man who had just been shot took his gun and with all his last strength aimed it at Veronika, pulling the trigger and hitting her in the shoulder.
She winced in pain but didn't stop, it didn't phase her.
They got to the motorbike and saw that the tires were slashed, "shit" bucky panted, turning around to see the only vehicle that was there was bicycles or and ice cream van, he looked at Veronika knowing that that was the best option but she was already gone around the other side getting into the van.

They were both strapped in knowing dthat there would be more hydra agents coming and they were right. Bucky looked in the side mirror seeing two black cars and three black motorbikes "go!" he shouted and Veronika crashed into the car behind her and moved forward getting out of the parking spot quickly.

They were speeding down the road now, hearts beating and eyes searching everywhere, "you know, we could've just ducked. They wouldn't think we were in and ice-cream van" Veronika said to bucky while concentrating on the road swirving around cars. "I'm sorry I thought it might be smart to get. Oh I don't know. AWAY from the people chasing us with guns." Bucky snapped back sarcastically.
As Veronika took a sharp turn left another shot was delivered to her shoulder right underneath where she had been shot before, dangerously close to her lungs this time." God dammit" she howled in pain, her shoulder now aching numb and she only had one had on the wheel. "Here, let me bucky said unbuckling his seat belt and grabbing the wheel. Veronika slid underneath him and her tried to get his feet down so that someone was actually controlling the van and it wasnt just free driving. While they were both trying to swap seats Veronika had sat down and bucky hit the ceiling of the van with his back accidentally hitting a button. They were now both sat into the different seats and the ice-cream van started to play music, "turn that off" Veronika said while watching bucky trying to hit the button "I can't it's jammed" bucky said.

Adrenaline was still pumping, cars were honking people were screaming and Veronika started to slightly chuckle "We're so screwed" she panted "we're being chased by people with weapons in an ice cream van probably wearing old mens golf shorts and angsty teens t-shirts with no weapons no suits, nothing. We're fucked" she said almost laughing.
Bucky passed her a bag "I brought the bag, there's a gun somewhere but not much ammo"
Veronika looked at him and then at the bag and began digging through it looking for the gun, she felt a cold piece of metal touching her hand so she grabbed it and checked the bullets "three" she said to herself, counting the bullets.
"Slow down, trust me" she said to bucky and he did. He started driving in a slow straight line and Veronika poked her head out the van window and bullets started to fly towards her. She aimed the gun at the driver in the first car, pulled the trigger and it landed perfectly in the centre of his forehead causing the car to crash with the one in front of it. She then aimed the gun for the second hydra car, again getting a perfect shot in the forehead. The car started to go left uncontrolled and fell into the water that was beside the bridge they where on, hitting many people along the way. Veronika blanked out for a second, thinking about the people who had probably just died all because she wanted to survive. In her train of thoughts she hadn't noticed that one of the motorbikes had took a shortcut and was now driving towards them, it took a sharp turn and was at the window. Veronika got back into reality fighting for the gun. Not realising that the agent of the other motorbike was aiming at her again,


She had got shot in the same shoulder as last time "ah my arm.... Bucky". He looked over at her but couldn't do anything. Veronika, thinking fast opened the door of the car forcefully and the agent on the motorbike crashed.
Only one person was left, that they could see so they had to loose him.

Bucky took a sharp turn, knocking over some civilians as he did it. He turned into and alley way full of parked cars and parked quickly enough to cause the van to shake.
They both got out of the van and bucky went to a different car and took a man out of it. "sorry" he said to him.
And Veronika and bucky both got into the man's car and bagan driving away.

"Are you okay" bucky said softly. "Yeah, I'm good" Veronika said holding an piece of her t-shirt that she had ripped off on her arm that was pumping out blood. "Are you sure?" Bucky asked and she nodded in response.
Bucky pulled up to a train track and parked the car. "our suits are in that bag. We should put them on" Bucky said.

And there the two of them were, back in action, back to fighting.
Never catching a break.

AN. Lol hope you guys enjoyed that. A new chapter is being written right as your reading this.
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