The Big Fight (16)

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Veronika and Bucky were rushing out the door trying get out of the motel before the vans had left,
Veronika had a duffel bag put on her back like a back pack.
The two of them walked around the corner of the motel and swiftly got on the motorbike, Bucky in front and Veronika behind him with her arms around his torso. The head lights on the van turned on and Bucky got ready to follow. "Remind me again Veronika, why are we following these people" Bucky asked. "I know I sound insane, but I'm telling that's my father" she replied.
"Whatever you say"

The two followed the vans deeper into the city, with tall buildings, apartments, hotels, studios, who knows what was up there, there was so many buildings.
The vans stopped in the front of one of the building, Bucky went around it so they didn't look suspicious, he parked the motorbike and got ready to follow them, it was a hotel "You go in first buck find out which floor they're on and then single for me to come inside okay" Veronika said loading up her guns and hiding them in her jacket.

Bucky POV

I went inside the hotel following after the men that had just gone inside, they went up to the front desk in the lobby and started talking, it was faint though, I couldn't hear very well. I went up to the front desk right beside it where there was leaflets and menus, I started rummaging through them, "Floor 3, you have 4 floors at the very top of the building, where you can stay in the whole floor and not just a room, I booked this last nigh no" An olde rlooking man said with a thick and deep russian accent. I picked up a leaflet and walked out the door.
"There at the top floor, the full floor. I don't k ow what that means but he said floor three" I said walking over to veronika.
"Okay let's go" she said walking around the edge and towards the door.

Third person POV

The two of them walked into the  lobby and acted as though they were meant to be there.
They got into the elevator and pressed the buttons for floor 3  which was second last from the 4 full floors at the top, meaning it was pretty high.
They got there eventually, it was massive. Like a penthouse but better but there was no one there, "Are we in the wrong place" Bucky said. "I know that I sound crazy, I know that..... But that man, he was my father. I don't know how he's alive but it was him" Veronika said trying her best to convince bucky that she wasn't insane. "Okay, you go find him, ill get the other people" Bucky said and they both parted ways to search this massive penthouse

Ioseff lenkov POV

I stood looking out the large glass window. Tomorrow I was going to see my daughter for the first time in over 90 years.

"I thought you were dead" a voice said from behind me.
I turned around to see her. Veronika. My baby, my daughter, my girl. "Ohhhh my, what have they done to you young one"
I said walking towards her.
"How are you alive" she asked "The same way you are. I wanted to see you grow up and it broke my heart to sell you to hydra—" she cut me off
"I was sold?" she asked. "Y-yes, at a very expensive price at the time, gave us so much more money to train the other widows that would come. That's why I trained you those three years to become a red widow, I was so upset when left, but when I heard that Hydra had been taken down and the winter soldiers were on the loose I was so exited to you you" I explained. Veronika took off her jacket "My whole life was ruined for some money. It was bad enough being in the red room, SO WHY DID YOU HAVE TO SEND ME THERE?!"

I looked at her arm, a massive star shaped scar was burnt into her skin, also her hair was black and greasy, her skin was pale and her accent was still the same old strong Russian one.

I walked closer to her, I went to reach my hand out to her scar "I'm sorry—". "No your not.." she said smacking my hand away from her "I loved you... You-you were my father, I trusted you and I thought you were a good person. YOU made me the way I am. YOU made me think what I was doing was right. YOU  never showed me a life outside killing........... so...
now I'm gonna kill... YOU." she said as she pulled a gun and pointing it to my face, it was dark, the moonlight beamed in a line just across her eyes, she looked like a ghost, it was terrifying.

"One thousand three hundred and fifty six people, I killed. When I was out there being nothing but the brainless assassin you made me. That's all I was to you. But it's okay because all you are to me is one thousand three hundred and fifty seven."

She pulled the trigger

The gun jammed.

And as if it was slow motion, the gun dropped, rattling off the ground and she came charging at me.

She had us both on the ground now I couldn't see a thí hing, I heard glass break, I felt her wrap her arm around my neck and she dragged me by it towards the window. Which was gone. Long shards of glass sat still stuck to the edges of the window that went from the ceiling to the floor.

She pulled my head u till my eyes were directly in front off the glass, I could feel that she wanted revenge for what I did to her.
I punched the glass out with my hand but straight away she she pushed me out.

With only my hands holding onto the edge of the window, I knew if I let go I would die.
"Please Veronika, you don't wanna do this" I said.
A tear formed in her, she reached her hands out for me and I grabbed them,
"This is your fault" she said.

And she let go. Leaving me to plummet for my death.

Veronika POV

I watched him fall, a wave of guilt flew over me. Killing him was the right thing to do but it felt so wrong.
I became aware of my self that I was panting and sweating and tearing up, "Jesus, pull it together" I whispered to myself  getting up off the ground.

I went to go look for bucky.
There was bodies passed out every corner I turned, then I saw him he was also looking for me,

This was an emotional moment, he pinned me to him and I dug my face in his neck "We gotta go" I mumbled.
I lifted my face to look at him and I put each hand on either of his cheeks "We've gotta go, we've gotta leave the country" I stuttered
"Wait wha- okay...okay, let's go"

AN.sorry for any spelling mistakes, I didn't check it because I figured I was taking a long enough time to put out each chapter since summer ended


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