Chapter 2

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Luke pulled out his notebook and went to the Choir room, since no one was there during their lunch hour. He sat down, got out his guitar and began to work. He had a perfect melody and couldn't find the lyrics that he felt fit the song. Luke ripped another page out of his notebook and threw it across the floor and groaned.

"You need some help there?" Luke was startled by Tegan leaning up against the door frame with a guitar case in her hand. He was so startled he almost dropped his guitar. Tegan laughed and walked over to him. "What are you doing in here?" Tegan asked.

"I've been working on these lyrics for weeks and I just can't figure them out, they just don't feel right. Wait, wait, what are you doing in here?" Luke asked.

"I was next door in the recording studios working on some of my sisters music." She said pointing at her acoustic guitar in the case she had. "This isn't mine, I borrowed it from the school. Like I said, I'm not really allowed to play music at home but when my sister is in town and she brings her guitar home on the weekend and she'll give me lessons so that's sort of where I got my love for music." Luke was confused by her answer.

"So why does your sister get to do what she loves and you don't?" He asked her. She shrugged and claimed she had no idea "Hmm, hey what are you doing?" He said laughing. He hadn't even noticed that she was looking at Luke's notebook with the song he'd been working on.

"Just looking at your music. This is all your finished stuff right?" Luke nodded as she continued, "Oh I remember when I saw you guys preform this one, I really liked it. What's this one called? The melody is awesome!" She asked, pointing to the song he was working on.

"Um I don't know yet. I can't get the lyrics right." Tegan looked at the lyrics and tapped her foot to the beat to get a feel for them and said,

"They look fine to me. What don't you like about them?" She asked. Luke shrugged.

"I don't know. Usually when I write I'll feel like a click when the lyrics are perfect, I just haven't felt that yet and it's been really bugging me." The bell signaling 5 minutes left before the next class period rang Luke handed her the book and said,

"I don't know if you have any writing experience but if you want you could take the song and work on it. See if maybe you can figure it out." She smiled, nodded and put the notebook in her bag and said,

"Yeah sure I'd love to." Luke put his guitar in his case and they began to walk out of the room.

"If you finish the song, me and the rest of the band will be rehearsing till probably like 9 o'clock if you want to drop by. I could give you the address." Luke offered.

"Trust me I know the place. Maybe I'll drop by sometime. You know if I'm allowed out of the house." Luke smiled and as he saw Reggie, Alex and Bobby leaving the cafeteria and walking towards them.

"Cool well, maybe I'll see you later?" She nodded, smiled and walked away, as the guys walked up to them.

"Is that girl from history?" Reggie asked Luke as he shook his head yes. "You know she has your notebook right?" Reggie said, looking concerned for his friend.

"Yeah I gave it to her" Luke answered.

"You did what! You really want a girl you just met to have the secret to our band's success in her hand?" Alex exclaimed.

"Guys chill, all the songs in that book are finished or close to finished." He pulled out another book from his bag. "This one has all the unfinished music in it."

"But why would you give her our music?" Bobby answered angrily. "You and I spent hours on that stuff!"

"I know, I just needed to figure out those lyrics. It was killing me! So I gave it to her and asked her if she would look at them, see if she had any ideas and bring it to the studio sometime." Luke started to realize why his friends were so upset with him.

Mine - Luke Patterson (Luke x OC - PRE JATP)Where stories live. Discover now