Chapter 37

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(Tegan's POV)

Wednesday February 12th, 1995

"Mom?" I nervously stepped into the living room. Overtime it became, basically my moms library, then eventually her room. She fell asleep in here a lot, all of her books had slowly made their way from the gigantic bookshelf in my parents room down to the shelves here. And her bathroom stuff was in the living room bathroom, instead of my parents one upstairs. Wether that was on purpose, or to get away from sharing a room with my dad, I'm not sure. "I want to talk to you about something."

"We could have talked over dinner." She says, leaving her book on the shelf when I walked in. 

"Okay, I guess I do deserve that." I rocked on my heels. "I'm sorry, about that. I know I've been kinda MIA, but you gotta understand why, I mean there was a reason you've been 'falling asleep' in here." She didn't say anything. "I have a show at the end of the month, and I thought I'd ask you to come."

"Why are you just inviting me know?" She asks. 

"Well, at the beginning, of all of this... I wasn't sure about it." I say. "Like I didn't know it was going to change my life like this."

"Isn't that a bit dramatic?" She slowly sits on the couch. "Changed your life, really?"

"I'm serious! Come and see for yourself!" I tried to not yell, because she didn't know that I was being anything but dramatic. "I didn't think I could do anything like the things I've done with my band. Please, just give them a chance." She again, sat in silence and didn't say anything. "The show isn't till the end of this month, so at least... just think about it?" I wasn't going to keep trying to force her to talk, so I left. I headed up the stairs to my room, the two sisters stood at the top waiting for me. 

"So?" Jess asks, the two followed me. "How'd it go?"

"It wasn't great." I shrugged, "But it definitely could have been worse."


Friday, February 15th, 1995

(Lukes POV)

"Hey dude, have you seen Tegan?" I asked Jack, walking in the front door of his store. "She said she'd meet us at the studio after school but it's been like two hours." 

"Yeah, she's been here for two hours!" He groans, standing behind his counter with a pile of clothes in front of him that he's busy folding. "I don't know what's wrong with her today, but I've never seen her try on this many outfits and not like any of them."

"Yeah, that's weird." I agreed, "Did it seem like somethings bothering her?"

"I mean this is the second pile of stuff I've started refolding, so you tell me." He answers. "Whatever the problem is, go fix it! I can't re-fold the entire store!"

"Hey! I'm sorry I know I was supposed to be at the studio forever ago." Tegan had stepped out of one of the two dressing rooms in the store to look at her newest outfit in the mirror. "I just got really caught up here."

"You think." Jack said, quietly so she didn't hear. 

"So... What is going on here?" I ask, walking towards her. 

"I wanted something to wear for our restaurant show." She answers. "I knew Jack would have something."

"Are you sure that's it?" I question. "I mean, Tegan... Long sleeves and jeans. Jeans with no rips at that? I mean this doesn't look like you."

"I know, but my mom wouldn't approve of some of my show outfits." She shrugs. "I needed new stuff anyway. You know I'd never wear the same outfit twice."

Mine - Luke Patterson (Luke x OC - PRE JATP)Where stories live. Discover now