Chapter 5

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(Luke's POV)

I slammed the front door of my house slinging my guitar over my shoulder and stormed towards my bike parked by the garage. I had just got into another fight with my mom. When I told her where I was going, she asked me how long she thought the whole band thing was going to last. I told her with a little bit of support from her and my dad it might last forever and it might not be as complicated. It just evolved to screaming and yelling from there. The boys don't know it but sometimes when we head home at night after practice I ride down the street until I'm out of there sight then I turn around and stay the night at the garage. Sometimes I just can't go home cause the fight was to bad. They know I fight with my parents. But I don't think they know how bad it gets. 

I pulled into the garage and burst through the door and moaned threw my bag down, put my guitar on a stand and face planting into the couch and didn't look at the couch before falling on it.

"You good there Luke?" I heard Tegan ask. I looked up to see I had almost face planted into her knee. I jumped back up and leaned back on the other side of the couch and smiled awkwardly and said,

"I'm great!"  She laughed and answered back,

"No your not don't lie to me." I sighed, tilted my head back and on the couch so I was looking at the ceiling and said,

"No, No I'm not. It's just been a rough afternoon." She smiled hopped up and grabbed one of the electric guitars and dropped it in my lap. I looked over at Reggie, Alex and Bobby and they just stood there not knowing what she was doing. She grabbed a cord that was connected to a speaker and plugged it in to my guitar. She crouched down in front of me and said, 

"Will hitting a few power cords and singing a few high notes make you feel better?" I smiled and jumped up as she fell into the seat I was just siting in as I hit a power cord. And turned to face Tegan. 

"Yes. Yes it seems it would." I nodded and smiled. She stood up and tossed Alex his sticks and said,

"Alright I have about 2 days to get the hang of this, what's should we start with?"

"I want us to try the song you gave me! It was so good and your vocals and lyrics with our guitars and Alex's drums it would sound amazing!" I answered. The others nodded and we got to work.


We worked for hours, obviously taking brakes every now and then. Tegan sounded absolutely amazing along side the boys and me, but she did seem off. Like something wasn't right. I hoped it was just her trying to get used to us. We had just finished going over "Bad Romance" one more time and had all sat down in the chairs and on the couch. 

"You sound really good with us." Bobby said as Tegan sat down next to me.

"Thanks. It's weird you know, music was usually not something I would take outside my room. It was normally a me and my sister thing. I really hope this works out." She said back.

"Well maybe if your sister got you into music, if your nervous talk to her about it." Alex suggested. She nodded and said,

"In theory that would work, but she's been so worried about me lately, I never talked a lot at school to begin with and usually only had a few friends but life at home has just gotten a little tougher in the past year so it's hard to get past it sometimes. She's actually home for a few days which is a good thing." She answered. I sat there surprised at what she said,

"Then why are you here! You should be at home with her you said you don't get to see her that often!" I said motioning towards the door.

"It's alright she went to visit some high school friends today she said she'll be back later tonight and we can hang out then." She said leaning back on the couch. "She doesn't know about this yet. She's going to flip, out!"

Mine - Luke Patterson (Luke x OC - PRE JATP)Where stories live. Discover now