Picking a deck

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After school, I ran to catch up with Yugi and Joey. They were all the way down the street already. They were talking about some random teacher who apparently gave them a lot of homework when I caught up with them.

"Hey Willow" Yugi said. "Hi" I reply, slightly smiling. We made some small talk as we walked, just about some random things like school. I could only really think about how I was finally going to get my own deck. Yugi and Joey both walk into a shop and I follow. I look around, there were board games, video games, card games, every game I've ever heard of and more! 'This must be the best game shop I've ever been too...' But then again I haven't been to very good shops...

"Come over here Willow" I hear Joey call. I look over to where they are, while I was lost in my thoughts they had made there way over to the dueling section. I make my way over to them and look at all the cards, decks and duel disks... They all look so good! I felt like a kid in a candy shop! My eyes widen as I look over everything.

'I have to choose ONE????' I hear a slight chuckle as I look over at Yugi, only he looked different... He was taller and some of his bangs went up into his hair, making it look like lightning bolts.

'What happened to him? And what is he laughing at?' I think to myself.
"What's so funny?" I ask, trying not to sound rude. "You" he replies, his voice deeper. This was not Yugi.

"Huh?" I ask, while he still chuckles. Then, he stops. "Just the way your eyes lit up when you saw everything." He says. "Oh..." Was my only reply. "You just have to choose your deck from the heart." He says. "Who are you?" I ask.
"I have many names, but you can call me Yami." 'Ok then...' I think to myself. What did Yami mean, from the heart?

"The heart of the cards", he started, "Is how you choose your deck." The heart of the cards... I've heard of that. I close my eyes and lift my hand over all the decks. I start moving my hand over them all. Suddenly, my hand stopped over one. I opened my eyes and looked at the deck my hand stopped over.

'This is the one...'


Thanks for reading chapter 10! I know I haven't made a real day on when I'm going to update, so I decided every Monday. Today, I planned this chapter out at school so I had an idea of what to write instead of just getting it off the top of my head. Ps, next chapter there is going to be a duel! I'm just not sure who against yet... Well, it will be more of a failed attempt of a duel. ANYWAYS... Thanks for reading! I'll update again next Monday! COMMENT PLEASE!!! :)

Must I choose? A Yu-Gi-Oh fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now