-Plans- 14

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*Peter’s P.O.V.*


“Anyone have any idea’s?” Rosie asked as soon as we sat down.


“I thought you had one.” I told her.


She held up her hands in defense.“I said we needed a plan. Doesn’t mean I have one, now does it?”


“True.” Sam agreed.


“What if,” Lindsey began,”we go to Blue? She might be able to bring back her memories.”


“You know she doesn’t like us.”


We looked up at the bed. Cassie was trying to sit up. Sam rushed over and laid her down.


“You need to lay down for a bit. You know you might pass out.”


“And you know you need my help, so get out of my way. I need to get up.” She pushed him aside and sat where Sam had sat a minute ago. Sam took a seat next to her. As he did, he put an arm around him. We all looked at them. Cassie started to blush.


“Are you two…?” I trailed off.


“Dating?” Sam finished. “Yes, but we kept it a secret.”


“Why?” Lisney asked. “I’ve been trying to get you two together since you met.”


“That’s the reason why. We knew you’d flip out.” Cassie told her.


“Wait,” I interrupted, “fairies can’t fall in love. They lose their wings and die, don’t they?”


“Yes, but we weren’t fairy born. Besides, a fairy can fall in love; it’s just not recommended.”




“Focus, guys,” Rosie shouted. “Cassie, what’s Maya’s new past.”


She took a deep breath before speaking. “Here, she’d known as Addison Clark. Not many friends, but Lillian Tetter and she sometimes get’s along with Felix. Her and Henry meet up at the diner on Saturday mornings and talk about his book together sometimes. She lives here with us and avoids Lucas as much as possible. She also hates mom, but mom doesn’t know. As she always been, never wanting to grow up, loves the woods, and reads as an excuse to avoid us girls. Oh, and she likes to help out at my garden for community service hours.”


There was a moment of silence.


“That’s it?” Lindsey asked.


“Hey, I got the things we need to know. I would have gotten more if I’d been more prepared.”


“Okay, now that we know that, what’s the plan?” I asked them.


“Well,” Rosie started, “she doesn’t know you yet. You’ll need to start over from the beginning. It’s all up to you how you want to start it again.”

“What if she doesn’t like me?”


“If she’s liked you once, she can do it again.”


“Okay. What about getting her memory back? We can’t go to Blue because she doesn’t like any of us, so how about Rumple?”


“No,” Cassie snapped.




“We just can’t,” Lindsay said. I decided it would have been bad to push it any further.


“Any other options?”


There was a long silence.


“What if,” Sam leaned forward, “if Henry can help. He helped Emma break the first curse, so what if he can break this little one?”


“Sam,” Lindsay said, slowly. “You actually have a good idea for once.”


“Have have tons of good ideas’,” he objected.


She opened her mouth to start arguing, but I interrupted before a word could come out.


“Okay, so I go to Henry and what? Just tell him that Maya forgot everything and I need his help?”


“Yes,” Rosie said. “He loves to help people get their happy ending. I’m sure he’ll help you.”


I thought about it for a minutes.


“Okay. I’ll do it.”


Cassie stood up. “Then shall we go find Henry?”



Peter Pan Evil Always - DoctorWhoLoverTardis



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