No One Mourns the Wicked -24-

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*Addie's P.O.V.*

(3 days later)

I was standing beside Lily in front of her mother's grave. Felix was on the other side of her, holding her hand. Robbie stood next to me with a sad expression on his face. Regina stood off near the road by the car.

"I'm going to miss her..." Lily mumbled and buried her head in Felix's chest. He wrapped his arms around her while she cried. I tried to comfort her by patting her back, but to do so I had to hug both of them. Robbie joined as well.

Lily pulled back, sniffling, and gave a small chuckle and the best smile she could manage.

"You guys are the best." She gave Robbie and me a hug.

After she pulled away, she laid a lily on the grave. We all followed in suit and headed back to car Regina stood by. Regina drove up back to her house where we were having the reception. No one else showed up; it was just us.

The four of us Lily, Felix, Robbie, and I, sat in the living room in silence. Roobie left around seven because he wanted to get home before the sun went down. Felix wanted to stay until he felt sure that Lily was okay, but she told him to go with Robbie since they were roommates now.

"You can go too, Addie," she told me, looking at her hands in her lap.

"Lily," I said placing a hand over hers. She looked up at me. "I'm not leaving until I know you can handle this by yourself."

She started crying again and pulled me into a hug.

"You're the bestest friend in the whole world."

"I know. It's what I do," I replied, trying to crack a joke. She gave me a small smile through the tears. "Just remember that I'll always be here for you. Okay?"

She nodded.

"Were you expecting a bigger turn up?" I asked her.

"No," she said, but the next thing can under her breath. "No one mourns the wicked."


"Nothing. Uh, you should go. I don't want to cause Regina too much trouble, ya know."

I sighed. "Okay, but if you need me, I'll can over no matter what time it is or what I doing. Even if it's two in the morning and I'm sleeping, or having a book withdraw."

She let out a laugh, a real one, and nodded. I smiled at her and left, hoping she'd be okay.

When I got home, I Rosie and Lyndsey upstairs singing (even though it sounded more like screeching) at the top of their lungs to some Taylor Swift song. I rolled my eyes, running up to my room before Lucas went to yell at them.

After I got to my room, I changed out of the black dress I had been wearing all day into pajamas. I didn't have any idea of what to do, so I sat on the window seat and stared outside till one came to me. The window was open so I could hear what was outside.

The tree next my window shook, but at first I ignored it. Then it happened again.

I had two options. 1. See what it was right then and there, or, 2. let my Supernatural knowledge kick in. Before I could do anything, the thing that was moving the tree spoke.

"Relax," it was Robbie. "It's just me."

"What the heck do you think you were doing?! Give me one reason why I shouldn't push you out of this tree right now!"

"Because it might hurt my handsome face."

I whacked his arm hard.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"Scaring me," I whacked him again. "And that was for the stupid reason."

"Sheesh," he rubbed his arm. "Can I come in?"

"Fine, but why didn't you go home?"

"It's dark and I got lost."

I rolled my eyes and started to tease him. "Sure. Are you sure it wasn't because you're afraid of the dark?"

He glared at me.

"How did you know this was my room? You haven't been inside my house. Are you a stalker?"

He chuckled. "No, I saw you from outside the window. Then I saw the tree and thought 'why not?' and came up. That and you looked pretty bored from down there."

"Okay, but do you know there's that thing called the front door?"

He ignored my comment and sat in one of my chairs by my bookshelf. He picked up a random book a started to read the back.

"What's this book about?"

"Did you not just read the summary thing on the back?"

"Well maybe I want you to tell me."

I rolled my eyes and walk to the other side of room to my movies. A minutes later, Robbie was there as well.

"What's that one?" he asked pointing to the remake of Cinderella that came out earlier this year.

"Disney's newest version of Cinderella."

"Let's watch it."

I gave him a weird look. "Really? You want to watch a princess movie?"

"Why not?"

"Figured you go for more of boy movie. Like Age of Ultron or something."

I set up my laptop for the move and went to make the popcorn. When I came back up with the bowl, Robbie was making us a place to sit. Lots of pillows, blankets, and a few stuffed animals. The laptop was small and the area I had dedicated for movie watching was small as well, so we had about an inch in or two between us.

We sat there, only a string of Christmas lights on, and watched the movie. When we started it was 11 so the movie wouldn't be over till around 1-ish. I laid my head on Robbie's shoulder and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer.

Just as Cinderella was meeting her fairy godmother, I fell asleep.

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