Christmas special -29-

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*Addie's P.O.V.*

It was Christmas today. I woke up, had breakfast with my family, minus our step dad, and we opened our presents. I got a few books, art supplies, and new clothes. After present opening, my mom and Lucas, our step dad, left to go to one of his brothers houses. My sisters stayed home, but I left to go see Lily and Robbie.

I got Lily a new pair of headphones and a gift card. She got me half a friendship necklace that said "I CHOOSE YOU" and looked like a Pokeball. I also got a gift from Felix, which I didn't see coming. I felt bad cause I didn't have anything for him, but he was fine with it. He got me a deck of Daredevil playing cards.

I stayed at Lily's till about one, then headed to Robbie's. It was snowing, creating a thin layer of snow on the ground. It took me a little longer than normal to reach his treehouse because of this.

I climbed up the ladder, and knocked on the door. Robbie opened it with a smile.

"Come in," he said stepping aside for me.

I sat on the sofa and he joined me. We both had each other gifts in our laps.

"Open yours first," I said hand his to him.

I got him a toy sword that looked like the one that Peter Pan has in the movies. He smiled and put it behind him on the table.

"Okay, now yours," he handed me a box.

I took the lid of seeing a little bottle tied to necklance string. The bottle was full of gold glitter and had 'Pixie Dust' written on a little piece of paper. I smiled.

"Shake it and think a happy thought," he said.

I did and it started to glow.

"Woah. How did it do that?"


I looked up to see him smirking. I smirked back and punch his arm.

I put the necklace on and examined it. It was amazing, but I was still questioning how it glowed.

There was a knock at the door. Robbie got up to let the people in. It was Felix and Lily.

The rest of the day was spent laughing and talking sitting by the little fire in the furnace. We all drank hot cocoa and ate cookies. It was the best Christmas I'd had in a long time.

Felix gave Robbie his gift. It was a Star Wars sweater. Robbie had recently become obsessed with since we watched them all a few weeks ago. Shortly afterward, Lily and Felix left, leaving me alone with Robbie.

I turned on some music I had downloaded to my phone. I snuggled up against Robbie on couch. He wrapped an arm around me and we sat in the silence. It was a nice silence though. Peaceful is how I would put it.

A cover song of "I'll Be There Soon" came on and Robbie stood up offering me him hand.

"May I have this dance, my lady?" he did a little bow.

"Why, of course, kind sir." I giggle, accepting his hand.

We both stood up and began to dance. It was a nice waltz dance. The whole time I was entranced by his eyes. We broke eye contact once because he spun me around. Happy smiles were plastered on both our faces for the whole three minute song.

When the song changed, instead of pulling away we just stood there for a minute. Robbie looked up and back at me with a little glint of something in his eyes. I couldn't tell exactly what it was. Mischief? Happiness?

"Looks like we're trapped under the mistletoe," he said smirking.

I glanced up to see that he was right. I blushed a little.

"Do I have the permission to free you, my lady?"

"I-I guess."

He smiled and started to lean in. I did too. As I did, I could feel my heart beating faster by the second and my mind racing quickly.

Our eyes closed and we kissed. It was a simple gentle one. Just as I was getting over the shock, something happened.

An image popped into my head. It was me when I was little in the forest with my dad; another was with my sisters; it changed again and I wa running from something; I saw someone that looked like an evil woman and someone coming to my rescue. Many others along those lines came, but one of the most vivid and stood out the most was the one of me dancing around a fire with a boy.

I pulled away and gasped, blinking repeatably looking around.


I looked up at Robbie, but he looked different for a moment. He was dressed in a green medieval looking outfit. I blinked a few more times and he was back to normal.

Confusion and curiosity was all I felt. I needed to think.

"I- I need to go."

I walked out the door without waiting for a reply. I went down the ladder, jumping off the last few, and took off running. By this time, it was dark out, but I'd been down this way countless times; so many I could probably do it in my sleep.

I reached the house in no time. Opening the door, I headed straight to the staircase that lead to my room. On the way, I ran into Lindsay.

"Addie, you look a little shaken up. Are you okay?"

I looked at her, and the same thing happened again. She was dressed in a pale blue dress with a dirt covered white apron around her waist. Instead of having her hair up in a messing bun, it was down in long wavy curls.

I shook my head, looking away.

"Uh, yeah, fine. Just a little tired."

I continued walking, not looking back. I opened my door and collapsed onto the bed.

What did I just see? What was that feeling? It didn't feel new. All those images were like visions but they seemed so familiar. More like a memory. Was this just another old daydream that I'm just now remembering? No, they all felt real. Real as if I was there.

But how?

My head hurt thinking about it, but I couldn't stop. It was too strange not to think about it. Maybe Robbie had some more answers. What if it was the kiss that triggered these images? If we kissed again would they happen again?

I sighed as I thought of the options. There weren't many.

I stood up putting my coat back on and headed toward the door again.

This couldn't wait till morning. I needed answers, and I needed them now. And Robbie was the one with them.

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