A date at the well-20-

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*Peter Pan's P.O.V.*

When I woke up the next morning, Felix and TigerLily had already left. They left a note behind, but I didn't bother to read it; instead, I got ready to meet Addison.

As I was getting ready for a shower, I heard the door to the treehouse open. Before I even looked I heard Lindsey's voice shout for me. I groaned and started down the stairs.


"Where'd you disappear to yesterday?" Rosie asked. Cassie and Sam were there as well.

"I went to find Henry at the diner. Oh, and Maya sneaked out under your watch."

"It's Addison and we know." Sam said.

"So why are you guys here anyway? I need to get ready." I told them.

"You might want the clothes we bought you and get ready for what?" Lindsey asked handed me the bags of clothing.

"Ma- Addison wants to meet at the well at two. I better not you you there in any form." I told them, mostly to Sam though.

"Oh, it's a date! We'll help you get ready. Lindsey, pick out his outfit; Rosie, you'll do his hair after he talks a shower. I'll go to store and get the cologne he needs. Come with me Sam." Cassie rushed out orders to everyone.

My face quickly turned red. I'm not sure if it was because I was angry, or embarrassed by the stupid idea, but I didn't like it.

"No," I spoke, raising my voice. Everyone looked at me. "I don't need help. Just, please leave."

Lindsey tried to object, but they were able to stop her. Shortly afterwards, they said their good-bye's and left.

"Finally." I mumbled.

I took the bags of clothes, tossed them in my room, and took a shower. Soon after that, I was back in my room finding something suitable to wear. I settled with a pair of jeans, a red short sleeved shirt, navy blue sweater, and a pair of shoes named Nike.

"Who names shoes after a goddess?" I asked myself.

I looked at a few other things while putting them all away. Some shirts had pictures on them with words. I questioned most of them, such as the one that said Thor and had a hammer of it. Seriously, what is up with people putting gods on things?

At the bottom of one of the bags was a watch. The background was that red haired idiot people called Peter Pan. I tossed it back in hoping they bought it by mistake, or as a joke. If they expected me to wear that then they'll be sorry they even thought of the idea.

I checked the clock on the wall. There was fifteen minutes till we had to meet, so began to walk. It would only take five minutes to get to the meeting spot, but I was fine with being early.

When I arrived, Addison was already waiting, leaning against the well.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked, getting her attention.

"Yes I did. Henry Mills explained his crazy story to me about this curse and stuff. Long story short, back in the all the other realm we were... close."

"Define close." I said while leaning against the well next to her.

Her cheeks turned red and she looked at the ground. "We, uh, were together before the curse hit."

"All right, say this is true. Who were we?" I asked her, smirking.

She chuckled. "You were Peter Pan and I was Maya Nap.""Never heard of her."

"She was someone I made up when I was younger. She lived in a place similar to Neverland, but it was called Landnever."

I nodded in understatement. "Shall we go on a walk while you explain?"

She nodded and we began to walk through the woods. She explained all of Landnever to me as if I'd never heard of it. I listened even though I knew already. While she spoke, I observed her closely to see the difference between Addison and Maya.

Addison spoke a lot with her hands and wore makeup on her face. Not too much, just enough to bring out her eyes more. She also did her hair, which I'd only seen Maya do once. Another thing that was noticeable was that she wore a few bracelets, a necklace, and earrings. When did she get her ears pierced? I was used to the necklace because she normally wore one that represented she was a Lost Girl, but she wasn't wearing it anymore.

She looked up at me while I was staring at her. She must have noticed because she started blushing again.

"What?" She asked all nervous.

"Nothing. Just couldn't help looking at a beautiful girl like you."

She turned her head away, most likely to hid her blush.

"No I'm not. I've seen prettier."

"Well, obviously I haven't then."

"You probably have, you just don't realize it."

"No, it's you who hasn't realized it."

She still didn't look at me, but I could see her face. It was bright pink. I kissed her cheek, and, if possible, her face turned even a brighter shade. I chuckled at her.

We didn't speak for a few minutes, but that was okay. I silence wasn't awkward. Well, it wasn't more me; I don't know how Addison felt about it.

We walked out of the woods and onto the beach. I noticed the sun was about to starting setting.

"Crap, I should probably get going," Addison said when she saw the sun's position. "Cassie said to be home before nightfall."

"Oh, come on. Just stay and watch the sun set.""No, I really shouldn't."

"Why? You scared of your sisters?"

"No!" she yelled in defense. "I just want to go home and eat."

"I'll buy you something at Grannies on the way back."

"That's a tempting offer, but I-"

I cut her off. "Where's your sense of adventure? Be more like Maya Nap."

I could see a hint of a smile on her face. It cause he to smile as well.

"Well, when you put it like that." I said. I smiled more and her down with me onto the sand.

We sat there like that till the sun set. As I was about to get up, Addison laid back onto the sand.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"What does it look like? I laying down."

"Thought you were hungry?"

"Eh, it can wait."

"Well, too bad," I mumbled, picking her up, and putting her over my shoulder.

"What the h- Robbie! Put me down! What are you doing?!"

I smirked. "I promised I'd take you to Grannies while I walk you home. We can't very well do that if they're closed, now can we?"

She laughed at my response, and afraid to get some food.

"God, my sister are going to be mad." She said out loud and laughed at the idea.

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