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*last period of the day*

*Alex, Nessa, Roni, and Aaron enter the only class that they have together, creative writing*

Nessa: *sees Christian and Jazmine sitting down together in the back* Oh gosh...

Roni: Are you kidding me?! I hate schedule changes sometimes

Aaron: This is going to be a nightmare

Alex: I need a schedule change...

Teacher: *enters* Good afternoon kids. Please take your seats.

*everyone sits*

Teacher: Alright. So today we will actually start with the material of the class. First I do want to say that you will be having partners. And no you can't choose them. We have two new students here, Jazmine Garcia and Christian Seavey. I must make adjustments to the list of partners now that you two are here *makes a new list and puts it on the board* Look at your partners and sit with them.

*everyone rushes to the front to look their partners*

Alex: Yes! Me and Aaron!

Teacher: *corrects* Aaron and I.

Alex: *nods* Yes yes that.

*Aaron and Alex take a seat at the front*

Roni: I'm about to start crying.

Nessa: You're with Jazmine?...

Roni: This is not good... *looks at the list again* You are even worse

Nessa: *not even looking at who her partner is* How come?

Roni: You got her violent boyfriend

Nessa: Huh?! *looks at the list* Damn it!

Christian: *standing next to her* Hi partner. Let's take a seat *grabs her arm and leads her to a table*

Roni: *sees Jazmine sitting at a table and goes to sit with her*

Jazmine: *ignoring her, continues on her phone*

Alex: *goes over to Nessa and hands her a stress ball*

Nessa: Thanks

Alex: *half smiles and goes back to his seat*

Nessa: *starts squeezing the stress ball*

Christian: You are stressed?

Nessa: *nods*

Christian: Why is that?

Nessa: None of your business

Christian: Oh come on. Just tell me

Nessa: *takes a deep breath* leave me alone

Christian: *punches her arm softly* Just tell me

Nessa: *screaming* I don't want to be your partner!

*everyone in the class turns to stare at her*

Nessa: Why would anyone in their right mind want to be your partner?! You and your friends are a bunch of stupid rich spoiled brats that think that because your parents have money you can boss everyone around! You would never survive in the real world where you can't buy people with money! I'm so sick of you people! I hate you guys! You make me want to throw up in my mouth! And then you pretend to be all nice when your friends are not around well guess what I'm not buying it! Wanna be a bitch?! Then be a bitch. But stop messing with me and my friends because I'm tired of standing down. The only thing keeping me from punching you is the fact that I'm only in this school with a scholarship. If I get in trouble, I lose the scholarship and I'm out of here. And if I punch you, your little girlfriend will attack me and my sister will defend me so she will lose her scholarship too. Then you will try to defend your dumb girlfriend and then Aaron and Alex will fight you and they will lose their scholarships too. And you know what you and Jazmine would be fine because you pay your admission in this school. I am so sick of you! I wish you had not gotten that schedule change because now I have to deal with you twice in a day!

*the room is quiet*

Teacher: Well then... that was intense. From what I could see, you all need to get along better with your partners. Therefore, I'm going to completely forget about we were going to do today. You have a new assignment. Get to know your partner. You have one month for this assignment and you should start it now. I want you all to start seeing what goes on in the other's life after school. Therefore use this week to make plans. Next week, one partner should go to the other's house and see how their life is. The next week you shall switch. That leaves you one well to write me an essay on who your partner really is. Sound good?

Jazmine: No. Not good. I don't wanna hang out with this idiot

Roni: I wish to hang with her just as little

Teacher: Too bad. Make your plans.

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