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*the following Sunday*

Nessa: *is standing at the door with her suitcase*

Christian: *grabs his keys* Alright lets go

Nessa: *grabs the keys from him* Nope

Christian: What are you doing?

Nessa: It's my life now. I don't drive. I walk

Christian: But-

Nessa: Nope! Let's go

Christian: Ugh fine *opens the door*

Anna: *runs out* WAIT! *goes to Nessa dnd hands her a drawing* This is for you so you don't forget me

Nessa: *looks at the drawing and smiles* I love it! Thank you Anna *hugs her* I'll never forget you

Anna: *pulling away from the hug* Good *to Christian* Don't let this one go

Christian: Will do ma'am. Come on Nessa

*after a long walk to Nessa's house*

Roni: *hugs Nessa* I MISSED YOU!

*Wendy joins in the hug*

Wendy: *shakes Christian's hand* Nice to meet you

Christian: Likewise. Thank you for welcoming me into your home.

Wendy: We hope you enjoy your stay here *smiles*

Nessa: Well, I should probably show you our room *takes him to her room where Wendy already set up an air mattress for Christian*

Christian: Hm. Looks cozy. I like your room.

Nessa: Thanks *leads him to the bathroom* This is Roni and mine

Christian: *nods* Got it

Nessa: Alright.... ima go to bed now

Christian: *grabs her hand and kisses it* Goodnight

Nessa: *pulls her hand away* We sleep in the same room. Stop acting like you aren't gonna see me *walks off to her room*

*the next morning*

Christian: *wakes up and starts walking out*

Nessa: *yawning* Where are you going?

Christian: Kitchen. To make breakfast

Nessa: My mom will kill you if you do that. Let her do the cooking. Plus she really good at it

Christian: What am I supposed to do now then?

Nessa: *snuggling back into bed* Sleep

Christian: Ok but- *notices Nessa fell asleep again and chuckles*

*20 min later*

Nessa: *turns off her alarm*

Christian: Well finally! I was getting bored.

Nessa: *puts on a sweater and looks at Christian* You already changed?

Christian: Well yea. I had nothing better to do. Shouldn't you do the same?

Nessa: Yea yea. *grabs her uniform and goes to the bathroom to change. Once she returns to her room she sees Christian holding out her boots for her. She grabs them from him* Thanks. *she puts them on* Ready for breakfast?

Christian: I've been ready

*the two walk downstairs to eat breakfast*

Wendy: Good morning!

Everyone: Good morning

*everyone sits*

Roni: So how was your night?

Nessa: Fine. *bites her piece of fruit while her phone rings with a FaceTime call. She answers* Hey!

Alex: Hey! Is Roni with you?

Nessa: *shows Roni on the camera*

Alex: PERFECT! Okay, so Aaron and I are on the way to pick you girls up, buttttttttttt Krispy Kreme has no line! So we have stopped to buy donuts! So don't eat too much


Alex: *laughs* I knew you would like it. I missed taking you to school. Now things are back to normal

Christian: *chuckles* Normal. *gets up to wash his plate*

Alex: I forgot he was there. I'll see you in a bit *hangs up*

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