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*on Monday*

*Franny, Nezza, Crawford, Daniel, and Christian sit at their table*

Franny: Okay, we need to talk.
Nezza: Yea. We can't stay silent for the rest of our lives
Daniel: Well clearly you girls can't
Christian: Where is Lexy?
Crawford: I think she called in sick
Daniel: Poor Lexy, we should go visit her today and show our support.
Franny: Yea, she probably thinks we are mad at her and will need us to prove we aren't
Christian: *nods* We can go after school
Daniel: What about Fousey and Jazmine?
Nezza: Have not seen them or heard of them
Franny: I wonder what they are up to now
Christian: Who knows but all I know is they better not try to mess with us again
Crawford: They will be extremely sorry if they do
Christian: *sighs* Who would have thought huh. We all have been through so much together
Franny: And now we have even more to go through. Also now that the leaders of this group are gone, but do we do?
Nezza: What do you mean by leaders?
Crawford: It's more like leader: Fousey. He got us all to act the way we do
Daniel: You mean the whole being mean in order for people not to use us?
Franny: Yea, so that he is gone... can we be nice?...
Christian: *sighs* Just be you Franny. Whatever that may be *stands up* I need some fresh air *walks away*

*the group all stare at each other blankly*

*in chemistry*

Christian: *walks in a minute late and sits down*
Nessa: How are you?
Christian: Fine.
Nessa: *nods*
Christian: *sighs* Im sorry, that was very rude. Im very stressed out right now and im also very hurt. I don't expect you to understand but I really loved... love that child that will never come. The fake ultrasounds, the fake heartbeats, it was all in my heart. That little girl was gonna come to change my life for the better and now thats gone
Nessa: I am so Sorry Christian. I truly am
Christian: Thank you. And thank you for being the one to tell me the truth. You could have not told me anything and let me live this lie
Nessa: I could never do that to you
Christian: *Smiles slightly* Thanks

*that day after school*

*the group go to Lexy's house and are surprised to see Fousey's car parked there*

Christian: I don't like this..

*the group all hurry over to the door and start knocking*

Daniel: This is not good...

*a scream is heard from inside the house*

Christian: Damn it *moves back and slams into the door over and over until he breaks it*

*everyone rushes upstairs to find Jazmine and Fousey with a crying Lexy*

Fousey: *looks over at the group* Your protecters are here babe
Lexy: Do. Not. Call. Me. Babe.
Jazmine: *holding on to Jazmine's arm* Oh come on, we all know you dated and that you will beg for him back if he leaves
Lexy: I am no dog who begs for some piece of shit like Fousey
Fousey: *glares at her*
Daniel: *Notices that Fousey is holding a knife* Fousey.. we gotta talk
Fousey: nah, we good bro. *points at Lexy* This one talks enough for all of us
Franny: *screams*

*everyone's attention goes to her*

Crawford: *grabs the knife from Fousey*
Fousey: *lunges at him*
Christian: *grabs his arm and pulls him back*
Nezza: *lunges at Jazmine, forcing her to let go of Lexy*
Franny: *Grabs Lexy and runs out of there with her*
Jazmine: *Pushes Nezza away from her and runs for the door*
Daniel: *Blocks her way* Nice try
Jazmine: *pulls out a knife from her pocket and stabs him with a smirk* Nice try *runs out after Franny and Lexy*
Christian: *screams* DANIEL! *pushes Fousey towards Crawford and runs to his brother's side*
Crawford: *is too focused on Daniel to focus on Fousey*
Fousey: *knocks him out with a punch and runs after the girls*
Nezza: *gets up from the floor and looks at her boyfriend and then looks at the door*
Christian: Go Nezza! I got them!
Nezza: *listens to Christian and goes after them*

*as Nezza runs down the stairs a gunshot is heard*

*everything is still for a second until Nezza runs down the stairs to see what had happened*

Oop. The tea. ☕️

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