73 6 2

Andrew: How?!
Nessa: *smiles* I'm the Uno Queen

(Hehehe The Royals Reference)

Andrew: *puts his cards down with a smile* You are way too good at this game
Nessa: *shrugs with a smirk* I've had practice
Andrew: You know I'm going home and forcing my sister and brother to play Uno with me for hours now right?
Nessa: *smirks* Well please congratulate them on their victory for me
Andrew: You will regret that *gets up and picks Nessa up*
Nessa: *laughs* Put me down!!!
Andrew: Okay! *places her onto the bed and starts tickling her*
Nessa: *laughs uncontrollably* Andrew!!
Andrew: *laughs and stops tickling her and instead lays down next to her*
Nessa: *places her head on his chest*
Andrew: *strokes her hair softly*
*the couple stay like this for a bit, just simply enjoying each other's company*

*a phone starts ringing*

Nessa: I'll get it *goes over to her desk to see which phone was ringing and stands there in shock seeing who was calling*
Andrew: Babe? You okay? *goes over and looks at the two phones seeing how Nessa's was the one lit up* Why him?
Nessa: I don't know. Christian has no reason to call me
Andrew: *pulls out the chair at the desk and sits* You gonna answer?
Nessa: Should I?
Andrew: *shrugs* Your choice
Nessa: *sits on his lap and answers the phone* What?
Christian: Thanks for answering
Nessa: What do you what?
Christian: It's Anna
Nessa: What's wrong with her?
Christian: She is sad right now and it's because of you
Nessa: Me?! What did I do?!
Christian: You didn't do anything. She heard me talking to Daniel about marrying Jazmine and she asked about you. I told her you weren't my soulmate like how she thought and how you were happy with someone else. She says you can't love her if you don't love me and now she's all sad. We've tried everything to cheer her up. I know it's Saturday and you are probably tired after work or are going on a date or something, but could you please stop by my house and talk to her?
Nessa: *sighs* I'll be there soon *hangs up*
Andrew: What do you mean you will be there soon?
Nessa: It's Anna. She needs me
Andrew: His little sister?
Nessa: Yes
Andrew: *sighs*
Nessa: Please
Andrew: You know I don't like him
Nessa: I never complain about you hanging out with Lexi
Andrew: It's different and you know it. Christian is constantly trying to flirt and get with you.
Nessa: Look... I know. And you are right. And you have every right to be mad at me right now
Andrew: *cups her cheek in the palm of this hand* I'm not mad. I'm just concerned about your well-being
Nessa: *kisses him softly* I know. And I'm kinda concerned too. But I need to talk to Anna. She has nothing to do with what happened between Christian and I.
Andrew: *sighs* You are right
Nessa: *smiles* I got an idea
Andrew: What's up?
Nessa: You can take me to Christian's and once I'm done with Anna, we could go to this nice ice cream place that's super close to Christian's.
Andrew: *pretends to think* Hm... should I accept this offer?
Nessa: *playfully smacks his arm*
Andrew: *smiles* I'm obviously down

*after a drive to Christian's*

Nessa: *kisses Andrew before going to the house and knocking on the door*
Daniel: *opens* Hey Nessa. Thanks for coming
Nessa: *steps inside* Where is Anna?
Daniel: *closes the door* With Chris in his room
Nessa: *nods and goes to Christian's room and knocks on the door softly*
Christian: *opens it and steps out closing the door behind him* Thank you so much for coming
Nessa: I'm not here for you.
Christian: *nods* I know. Look the gender reveal is today and I don't want her to be sad on a day she should be happy.
Nessa: Whatever. I could care less about the gender reveal. I just want Anna to be happy.
Christian: *nods* Of course. I'll let you two be. I'll be in the living room if you need me *walks away*
Nessa: *enters Christian's room and sees Anna sitting on the bed looking down* Hi princess
Anna: *looks up and starts tearing up* Go away!
Nessa: I won't go away. Why are you crying sweetie?
Anna: You don't love me!
Nessa: *slowly gets closer to her* That is not true
Anna: It it true!
Nessa: *sits down next to her*
Anna: *pushes her away* It is true!
Nessa: *does not even move with Anna's intent* Why do you think I don't love you?
Anna: Because you don't love my brother!
Nessa: What does your brother have to do with us?
Anna: Well... he's my brother!
Nessa: Yeah. Well have you ever met my sister?
Anna: No
Nessa: So you don't love her
Anna: *stays quiet*
Nessa: The same way you don't love my sister and yet you still love me, I could hate your brother with a passion and yet still love you
Anna: That makes sense. Wait... you hate my brother with a passion?!
Nessa: No! Not what I meant! Look, I don't hate your brother. In fact, I still care about him a lot and I want him to be happy. But our happiness is separated, not together
Anna: You still love him?
Nessa: Love is a strong word... I do care about him, but I would not say I love him
Anna: Oh.
Nessa: But that does not affect how I feel about you okay?
Anna: *nods* Okay. Can I have a hug?
Nessa: You don't even have to ask! *hugs her*
Anna: *hugs back tightly*

*the two pull away*

Anna: Could you come to visit more often?
Nessa: Sure. If you ever want to see me, just have Daniel text me
Anna: Not Christian?
Nessa: I would prefer if it was Daniel. He has my number
Anna: Ok
Nessa: I have to go now princess but I loved being able to see you 
Anna: Bye Nessa!
Nessa: *smiles and leaves and enters the living room where Daniel and Christian are*
Daniel: So?
Christian: Did it work?
Nessa: *nods* She is good now. See you guys on Monday *walks out* 

This chapter was saved as a draft?! I thought I had posted it ages ago!! 😭😭

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