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Christian: *sighs*

Daniel: Look, things will get better.

Christian: Yea... we shall see. Whatever. Ima be in my room

Daniel: You don't want go out?

Christian: Right now, I just want to read whatever Nessa wrote about me on that report

Daniel: Oh, I see *smirks* Nessa

Christian: *punches his arm* Shut up. *goes to his room and reads the report*

The report: I don't even know where to start. Like all books, I'll just start at the beginning. When I first met Christian, I thought he was a jerk. I believed he was fake. To many people in our school, Christian is one of the popular kids who is a jock. The term jock limits what people think of Christian. In our community, we are used to stereotyping people. Christian has proved to me that stereotypes are often just wrong. People believe that a jock cannot be smart, they could only be good at sports. Yet, Christian is good at both. Actually, not true: he's great at both. Christian has some of the hardest classes offered in our school and he's only a sophomore. He manages a 4.0 gpa while also training hard for football. To many it must seem as if football is Christian's passion, yet it's not. Christian only does football because he does not want to let his family down. I have never seen anyone who loves their family the way Christian does. He has forced himself to do something he does not like and he puts his own dreams behind him because he finds it more important to do what his parents want and what will make them happy. Christian actually wants to grow up to become an actor, a job which is great for him. I have personally never seen him acting, but I'm sure he would be amazing at it. Christian is one of the most determined and dedicated people I have ever met. Whatever he puts his mind to, he accomplishes. I learned a lot about Christian this week: one of them being two he is such a caring person. He cares for his younger siblings, Daniel and Anna, as if they are his own children. And, Anna adores him, but how could not? He makes sure she is always fed, done her homework, and had her bit of fun for the day. As much as he dreads it, poor Christian finds himself playing Candyland with Anna all the time. But, to him, it's worth it and it's all because Anna is happy. Christian has his past. He has faced challenges. He has been used. He has seen things no child should see. Because of his past, Christian has built up barriers so that others cannot hurt him anymore. I don't know how I was able to break through the barriers and see him for who he really is. Breaking down those barriers is one of the biggest blessings. I met a person who I could always rely on because Christian is friendly and loyal. I know that if I ever need help, he will be the first one there to offer the help. When I look back at the things I said to Christian before I actually knew him, I regret every word I said. Everything I said was wrong. The person who I was mad at that day, is a made up personality that Christian had to create to protect himself from the outside world. I could not have asked for a better two weeks than the ones I spent with Christian. I have one of the best people in the world as my partner, and for that, I am extremely grateful.

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