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*the next day*

Roni: Aaron and I have reservations at the art museum

Alex: I have a doctor's appointment

Nessa: So I have to go alone?!

Roni: I guess? I'm sorry Nessa

Nessa: Ugh whatever

Aaron: I could drive you though

Nessa: I could walk. Brent moved and he lives even closer to us now

Alex: It's so cool how you ran into our old group at the game yesterday

Nessa: Yea. Ima meet some new people too

Aaron: *smirks* Maybe even someone special

Roni: Uh no.

Nessa: Yea... I don't think so

*an hour later*

Lexi H: Nessa! OMG! Brent told me he saw you at the game and I couldn't believe it!

Nessa: I could not believe it either! It's been ages!

Brent: *Smiles* Well you saw Ben and Lexi yesterday. Now you see the other Lexi. Time to meet some new people. They are Dom and Jeremy

Dom: Nice to meet you

Jeremy: Hey

Nessa: *smiles*

Brent: See those two girls over there? The one on the left is Sofie and the one on the right is Pierson, my girlfriend. *points to a guy standing in a corner* And that's Andrew

Nessa: Wow, lots of new people in the group

Brent: Yup, is there anyone new in our group from your side?

Nessa: Nope, just Roni, Aaron, Alex, and I

Brent: You and Alex still haven't found the perfect match?

Nessa: I thought I did... but no. And Alex still hasn't found his perfect girl

Brent: I thought he would date Lexy, but then she started dating Fousey

Nessa: Yea... those were hard times. For me as well

Brent: *smirks* But then I came and made all your pain go away

Nessa: *punches his arm* Shut up. You broke my heart afterwards

Brent: You broke mine!

Nessa: it was your idea to break up!

Brent: You didn't object

Nessa: You had good arguments

Brent: Well it hurt when you didn't try to fight on

Nessa: You stopped fighting first and I was hurt that you even suggested it

*the two glare at each other and burst out laughing*
Brent: I missed this

Nessa: Me too. You guys are the only thing I miss about middle school

Lexi H: Brent! I need your help!

Brent: I'll be back.

Nessa: *nods and goes over to where Andrew is* Hi. I'm Nessa

Andrew: I'm Andrew. Nice to meet you

Nessa: Why are you standing alone in this corner?

Andrew: *smiles* I'm not alone anymore, now am I?

Nessa: *laughs* True

Andrew: I didn't expect you to come

Nessa: How come?
Andrew: when Brent said his ex was coming I couldn't believe it

Nessa: Kinda weird that I'm here huh?

Andrew: Nah, Pierson knows about you. Well, we all do. Brent still cares about you as a friend even though you don't talk anymore

Nessa: Aw, that's actually very sweet

Andrew: Um huh

Nessa: Can I ask you something?

Andrew: Go for it

Nessa: Feel free to lie or to just not answer, but do you like Lexi Rivera or Ben?
Andrew: *looks at her* Why are you asking?

Nessa: Well you keep on looking over at them

Andrew: Very observant I see. Well yea, I like Lexi

Nessa: *nods* Im sorry. I know how it feels to like a person who is in a relationship

Andrew: It sucks

Nessa: im hoping it gets better

Andrew: *nods* Me too. *looks at her* Alright, enough sad talk. What are you doing tomorrow?

Nessa: Well I work and then hang out at home

Andrew: What time you get off work?

Nessa: Around 3, maybe 4 if the cafe is packed

Andrew: No plans for after work?
Nessa: *shakes her head* No, why?
Andrew: You are now my plus one to the movies tomorrow. Everyone here is going

Nessa: Hm, I'm down

Andrew: Great *hands her his phone* Give me your number and I'll send you the details

Nessa: Sounds good *puts her number in*

Andrew: Perfect

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