Chapter 49

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East Korea's POV:

I had no clue as to what was going on. My eyes stung and my ears rang. I could barely make out what was going on. I could make out basic shapes, but from what I could see, it wasn't pretty. I felt something touch my hand, it was warm and wet and red.

My eyes slowly became clearer and I could make out the figure of someone tall. He wore an eye patch but had a glare that could make armies retreat.

I looked to my right, seeing West starting back at me. She looked at me like I did something wrong. I looked back over to the tall man. He handed me a hammer and pointed over to what looked like a corpse. It was hard to tell what it was anymore.

I held the hammer in both of my hands and stood up. The closer I stepped towards the mess, the more I realised it wasn't dead.

The mess was breathing weakly and it's eyes had been smashed deep into the skull. Blood seeped out from every opening. I looked down at the hammer that was also covered in blood. I got a huge power surge as I brought the hammer down hard onto it's face.

"Now who's the mangled corpse?" I spat. But as I spoke, it sparked a blurry memory of some woman.

"Finish her off," The man muttered.

"You can't even honor my final request," It muttered in broken words.

"Traitors don't get final requests," He snapped. He glared at me to let me know to finish it off.

And I did so happily. It barely made a fuss. The only noise that came from it was the sound of breaking bones. I didn't stop. I didn't want to stop. It felt so right. Whoever this was, it wronged me in more ways than what I could count. I didn't know what it did, but it hurt me.

West sat next to me, watching as I kept bringing the hammer down on its body, over and over again. It felt good.

"I think she's dead," West mumbled as he watched me.

"She's not dead enough!" I shouted.

"Oh dear god! What happened?!" A voice shouted. I stopped and looked around the room, but I couldn't see anything. West was staring in the corner of the room, as if someone was there.

"Korea? What happened to you?" The voice asked.

"Neppy?" I muttered, for some reason, that felt like it's name.

"Yes, it's me, Neppy, but what happened? Did you kill her?" Neppy asked. His voice was full of concern.

"I don't know what's going on," I said honestly.

"I know you didn't like Japan, but I didn't think you hated her that much," Neppy explained.

"You know about this? Can you explain?" I asked. By now, West held the hammer in his hand and was still staring into the corner.

"I don't have enough time to explain. I'll pay my respects later," Neppy muttered. The room got warmer and West had turned back to me.

"Did you see that?" West asked.

"No, but did you hear that?" I asked.


Belarus' POV:

I got Ukraine onboard the plan. Although he was weak and not very able to move around, he was still able to help me sort through photos. I felt bad for him. I couldn't imagine what happened to him in the Australian Empire, but it can't have been good.

It was nice to be able to talk to him again, although the situation could be better.

"Hey look, it's a photo of all of us," He smiled, holding up a small photo. I looked over at the photo.

"We were so young back then." I smiled, taking the photo out of his hand.

"Now look at us," He muttered.

"Uki! Where did you go?!" The dreaded voice shouted. Ukraine's face was drained of colour.

"Hide under the bed," I whispered to him. He followed my orders while I quickly tidied up the mess of photos into boxes and made a wall with them under the bed to keep him from being seen.

I tried to calm my breathing while I waited for the inevitable. The footsteps were getting louder and all I could do was pray to Mother Earth that he didn't get suspicious. I sat down at my desk, pretending to be doing paperwork.

Then the door opened. I looked over, as if in shock to see Mr Canada standing there.

"You should really knock before entering, I could have been changing," I said in my typical manner.

"You heard me coming," He snapped.

"Still, it's rude to just barge in. Now, what can I do for you?" I asked, already knowing what he was about to say.

"Where is he?!" He shouted.

"You need to be more specific. Who is this 'he'?" I asked, trying to stall.

"Don't play games with me, you know who I'm looking for,"

"Yeah, well he isn't here." I explained.

"Shouldn't you be doing work?"

"I'm on my break," I rolled my eyes.

"Not anymore, you are going to find him, understand?" He commanded.

"Yes sir." I said, respectfully. He turned around and left, slamming the door behind him.

I let out a long sigh of relief. But then, the door opened.

"Come on, you are staying with me until we find Ukraine!" Mr Canada snapped.

It caught me off guard, but I had to agree. I stood up promptly and followed him out of the room. He walked behind me, making sure I didn't run off. He directed me into different rooms, making me look for Ukraine.

After a while of looking, we ended up outside the mental health care unit. I slowly opened the door and walked in. The room was dim, but everyone was doing their job. Russia gave me a small nod as I walked past him. I looked under the beds when a small needle dropped. I picked it up and looked to see where it fell from. Russia was looking down at me and nodded again. I put the needle in my pocket and got up.

Leaving the room, I look over at Mr Canada.

"He isn't there either," I explained.

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