Chapter 52

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India's POV:

"I told you it was a good idea," I said, nudging Tajikistan.

"Yeah, yeah." He rolled his eyes.

I watched as he grabbed his gun from the back before he got out of the vehicle.

It was incredibly unlikely for Taj and I to come across a flying country, albeit, he wasn't really good at it since he crash landed. Although we had been on a transfer route, we decided that it would be better to make sure it wasn't one of our own. It wasn't. It was just Wales. He did seem pretty badly hurt with a few bars of metal puncturing his abdomen. I did think about putting him out of his misery, then and there, but Taj convinced me otherwise.

"Uh, hi," Wales mumbled nervously as he hung upside down. He seemed to wince in pain at every movement he made.

Taj and I helped pull Wales back onto the cliff. He groaned in pain as he was hoisted onto the land.

"What were you thinking? Jumping off a cliff? You gotta be stupid," I laughed.

"You obviously thought I was stupid since you predicted this." Wales muttered through his pain.

"What are you even doing this far away from the NZE? You do know you're the enemy, right?" Taj asked. I noticed him loading a gun out of the corner of my eye. Wales noticed as well and seemed to go pale.

"Not yet Taj. We could get a reward for bringing him in," I pointed out as I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Don't be stupid, Australia doesn't want another territory. It would be better just to kill him," He muttered.

"You had the chance to kill me while I was out, if you were going to kill me, why didn't you do it then," Wales asked. His voice was shaking.

"I'm not going to kill someone who is vulnerable." Taj answered.

"What are you even out here for?" I asked, still amused at the context of the situation.

"That's confidential," Wales muttered as he hoisted himself up to lean on his elbows.

"Only if you want a bullet through your head," Taj said, pressing the gun against Wales' forehead.

"The gr-mmre emst." He mumbled inaudibly. Taj cocked the gun and pressed it harder against his head.

"The great reset! Okay, are you happy?" Wales finally broke and I noticed a small tear drip from his face.

Taj and I looked at each other for a moment. We were both trying our best to suppress our laughter, but I ended up breaking and letting myself break out in a fit of hysterical laughter.

"Wh-what's so funny?" Wales asked nervously.

"You don't seriously believe it's real, right? You gotta be joking." Taj eventually said.

"But, I'm supposed to trig-" Wales was cut off by the loud sound of Taj's gun being shot in the air.

"Tell me the truth. What are you here for?" Taj asked again.

"I-I already told you." Wales whimpered.

Jordan's POV:

"Where the f#ck is he?!" Mexico shouted.

"Shut up, you're gonna make us sound suspicious!" I snapped at him.

"We already are suspicious! Scotland's gone and so is Papua New Guinea!" He said as he shook me by the shoulders.

"So? What were we going to use them for anyway?" I asked.

"Papua New Guinea is our leverage over the NZE and Scotland knows about all our plans!" Mexico was freaking out. Suddenly the door opened and America walked in.

"Hey! You aren't authorised to be in this area," America shouted as he saw me. I quickly nodded and left the privacy room. I hate this Empire. You could never get away from the cameras and recording devices, I'm sure the other Empires have it easier.

"Hey Jordan," Palestine said from behind me. It frightened me quite a bit, but I quickly settled.

"What do you want?" I asked, already tired from the morning's events.

"Are you hungry?" She asked blandly. She said it in such a disconnected way.

"Yes?" I said, having to think about it.

"Come with me," She smiled, acting more like she should.

I followed after her. Despite her walking straight past the cafeteria. I felt like I needed to stay quiet. She stopped in front of her bedroom door.

"No." I said simply.

"Shut up," She said quietly under her breath. She subtly passed me a note. I was a little confused and looked down at the note. I carefully unfolded it.

"I'm still not going to let you touch the severed arm," I muttered to her.

"Damnit! Why not?" She whined.

"You aren't cleared to touch severed arms," I explained.

"You suck."

"I'm not the one trying to touch a severed arms,"

"At least I'm not a spy working for the NZE!" She shouted.

"F#ck you! I'm actually working for Australia!"

"Wait. Australia has spies?"

"Uh... no. Sh!t"

"I thought you were working for New Zealand?"

"I am. I'm working for both sides,"

"Fair enough, I'm working for Canada."

"Uh... what? What just happened?"

"Nothing happened. You just agreed to let me touch the arm." She said with a sly grin.

"No, no I didn't. But, if I told you who it belonged to, would you shut up about it?"

"Sure," She smiled.

"Could Jordan and Palestine come to my office." America's voice was to be heard over the loudspeaker. I froze in my place as my mind flicked back to the conversation prior. I was gonna be caught, I could feel it.

Palestine and I slowly walked down to hallways, taking up as much time as we could, stalling.

We stood outside his office and walked in through the open door. America sat at his desk as he watched us enter. He honestly looked rather intimidating.

"Excellent, could you two sit down." He said pointing to the chairs in front of him. We reluctantly did as he asked, we waited nervously for what was to come.

"Palestine, thanks for your work," He smiled, shaking her hand.

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