Chapter 18

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North Ireland's POV:

Now, I had no clue what was going on. It seems to be a common theme in my daily life. I always knew my brother was an idiot, but he appeared to be talking to someone. I slowly got out of bed and tried to open the door to my room. It was locked.

"Nepal said it would be locked for another hour," Ireland said.

"What? Nepal?" I turned around unsurely.

"Yeah, he says hi by the way." Ireland Grinned.

"You had better be joking with me," I grumbled.

"Nope, he is right there," Ireland pointed to the area above my bed.

"That's the ceiling idiot," I muttered as I sat down on my bed.

"He is a ghost,"

"I swear to god, if you don't stop making random crap up I will stab you," I said.

"Nepal said he can prove it,"

"Oh, yeah?"

"In 3... 2... 1,".

As soon as the countdown reaches zero, I felt a freezing shiver fill my entire body.

"Argh!" I shouted. I fell off the bed, and the feeling went away.

"See, Nepal is here," Ireland said smugly.

"Okay, fine. But when is he going to leave?" I grumbled. I got to my feet.

"He says he doesn't want to leave,"

"Then make him leave! I want nothing else weird to happen!" I snapped.

"He said no,"

"What do you mean, he said no?!" I shouted.

"Who is this 'he' you speak of?" I heard a voice from the other side of the door.

Ireland and I froze in place at the unknown voice.

"Oh, come on, keep talking, I'm just here to give you food,". The door unlocked and Japan walked in, holding a tray of toast. She handed the tray to Ireland, but she didn't leave.

"It's a little cold in here, you two wouldn't have happened to come across a ghost of sorts?" Japan asked. I looked over at Ireland and he was looking at that same spot above my bed. Suddenly the room became warm.

"Damnit, he left. Enjoy your breakfast," Japan smiled as she left the room and closed the door.

"What the hell is going on!" I shouted. All this confusion was getting to my head.

"Calm down, eat some toast," Ireland said, shove the tray in my face. I knew he was right and picked up a piece and ate it.

"Now, explain," I mumbled as I ate my toast.

"I have next to no clue about what is actually going on, but Nepal was a ghost and he is currently trying to hide from Australia and Japan," Ireland explained.

"Why are you the only one that can see Nepal?" I asked.

"I don't know," He shrugged.

"So, is he gone?"


We just sat in silence for a while after that, thinking about everything that had been going on. Ireland kept eating the toast, I decided I wasn't hungry. Everything is going too quickly for me to understand.

I looked over at Ireland, but he had fallen asleep. Now that I thought about it, I was really sleepy too. I slowly closed my eyes.

Canada's POV:

Now that I had Ukraine to myself, I could finally be happy again. I walked back to his room and knocked. I waited for an answer, but none came. So I walked in, expecting him to be asleep.

He wasn't. Ukraine was sitting upon his bed talking to himself. He didn't seem to notice me enter.

I walked over to him and sat down next to him. He was afraid of me. I don't blame him though.

"Hey Uki," I smiled, like how we used to when we were younger. He seemed uncomfortable.

"He-hey Nada," He said, avoiding eye contact. I didn't like that.

"Let me see your eyes," I said, turning his head to face mine. He still tried to look away.

"Look at me!" I shouted. I watched as panic filled his eyes and he looked into mine.

"try to ignore me now," I whispered, looking deep into his frightened eyes. He didn't look away. Good.

I leaned forward and kissed his forehead.

"You are mine," I whispered. I could sense his fear emanating through his eyes.

"Nada, I don't like it here," He admitted.

"That's a shame, but you will like it here, or else." I threatened. I stood up and held out my hand to Ukraine. He reluctantly took it and I pulled him up from the bed.

"Now, why don't I take you to your new room?" I said, already leading him out the door.

I had the best room in the kingdom set up for him. Maybe he would learn to love it up there. I also had Italy set up a nice dinner for him, delivered directly to his room.

"Nada? What did you do to Germany?" Ukraine asked.

"Germany? Oh, he is dead. He won't be bothering you ever again," I explained openly.

"You killed Germany?" Ukraine muttered quietly.

"Yes, Uki, I killed Germany," I repeated.

"You are a murderer," Ukraine said. I could feel him stop and pull away from me. I turned around angrily but tried to keep my cool.

"He deserved it. That is what happens to those who challenge me," I explained.

"You killed him," Ukraine repeated. I was struggling to keep my cool now. We were so close to his room, I can't do this out in the open. I snapped and grabbed him by the arm. I pulled him into his room.

The fear was still there, but he fought back against me. I slammed the door closed and picked up a chair that was sitting nearby.

"You are going to challenge me? That's cute," I smiled, walking towards him. Ukraine frantically looked around the room for something to fight with. He picked up a candlestick and threw it at my face hard.

I stumbled back a little but regained my balance as I looked over at him. He was still scared out of his mind. I dropped into the chair and picked up the candlestick. Uki obviously had a wonderful sense of weapons.

"You don't seem to understand, let me show you how punishments work around here,"

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