Chapter 11

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Wales's POV:

This place became more and more suspicious by the second. Despite being told to clean the toilets, there was next to nothing to clean. I had been given the duty of cleaning the eastern bathrooms on my own and it looked like no one ever came in here.

Madagascar told me to meet her at that strange room once I was finished to help her clean up over there. Apparently, it was one of the most difficult places to clean up. It was hard to believe as the last time I checked, there wasn't a single thing out of place. Mr New Zealand Empire must have a thing about dirt to keep a place like this, this clean.

Once I had made sure the bathroom was spotless, I gathered up the cleaning supplies and put them away in the closest they came from. Madagascar would have already collected the supplies she needed for cleaning down that end.

I started walking down that way, trying to remember the route I had taken before. Along the way, people would pass me and they would smile. I passed Angola and I thought I should at least try to talk to him. Before he got too far away, I caught up to him and got his attention by tapping him on the shoulder.

"Hey, Angola. How have you been?" I smiled, trying to get a conversation started.

"I am doing well, a little bit stressed, but well," He responded politely.

"What are you stressed about?" I asked, trying to keep this going.

"Work, everyone has a job and mine just has to one of the hardest," He sighed.

"And what may that be?"

"I'm an engineer, I work in the labs on new technologies and weaponry." He answered.

"That's so awesome! Much better than my job," I joked.

"You should come down after you have finished your shift," Angola offered. I agreed and we both went on our way. He was nice. I wondered what kind of stuff he was working on.

I eventually made it to the creepy hallway and then to the door. I looked down at the messily engraved letters. It gave me the creeps. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I knocked on the door and eventually, Madagascar opened the door for me.

She handed me a clean mop before I headed inside. I immediately noticed the smell. It was a mixture of smoke and wet blood. I felt like something was very wrong. I felt sick just by standing there. Madagascar seemed unfazed and continued on like normal.

She noticed my concern and walked over to me with a dirty sponge in her hand. She smelt like blood too.

"This next part is going to get a little confronting, I put them back in their cells, we just need to clean up what has been left behind," She explained. It didn't make me feel any better. I finally got time to comprehend where I was and gave the room a proper look.

There was an unhealthy amount of spilt blood that splattered the floor. Oh god. What have I gotten myself into?

North Ireland's POV:

I became bored with sitting in that small room with my brother. Ireland seemed to be quite at home here, but I knew something was off. I decided to investigate as the door had been left open, I assumed I was allowed to leave anyway.

So I did. This base of Australia's wasn't very big and not many people were around. The hallways were quite empty and there was next to no sound. The only sound I could hear was some kind of strange, distant muttering which seemed slightly distressed. I followed the sound to see what it was.

I came to a room that looked similar to mine from the outside. Whatever was inside, sounded like it was in a lot of pain. I couldn't quite make out what it was saying, but I knew for a fact that it wasn't happy.

I suddenly heard footsteps coming down the hall, so I hid behind a small table and watched as Australia walked into the room with what looked like a bag of dog food. I stood outside, waiting for Australia to finish in there. I tried to peek in but was a little difficult.

"What's in there?" I asked. I get Australia a fright. He looked angry at me.

"What are you doing out of your room?!" He shouted angrily.

"I wanted to explore around a little more," I answered.

"You aren't supposed to be out of your room. I'm sure I mentioned you guys having aa curfew," Australia grumbled. I didn't remember him saying that but he seemed too frustrated, so I just agreed.

He led me back to my room and told me that I wasn't allowed out until early next morning. I wasn't too happy about that.

I walked into my room where Ireland was playing with a pack of cards he had found in one of the draws in the desk. He looked up at me and invited me to play. I wasn't in the mood, so I just sat down on my bed. Ireland was quite eager on playing with the cards and kept trying to get me to play with his.

"Come on, I know you want to play. How about we play blackjack," Ireland asked. He was becoming annoying and the only way to get him to shut up was if I agreed.

"Fine," I sighed as I walked over to his bed and he dealt out our hands.

We played for the next few hours to pass the time. I was going to tell Ireland about what I had heard on my brief travel around this place, but I didn't think it was the right time to bring it up.

I had allowed Ireland to win all the rounds of blackjack that we played. I wasn't very energetic to really care about how I played. And besides, at least it made someone happy.

Suddenly the lights turned off. It became too dark to finish the game we were in the middle of, so we put our cards away and I climbed over to my bed where I laid. I stared at the ceiling wondering what that thing was inside that room, and why there wasn't a lot of people around. This had all seemed so weird.

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