Chapter 1

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I've survived three whole draining years of my life, under the rule of the Canadian Empire. He's the only son I am proud of, so far. But I fear that it won't be too long before he turns against me too. The years have been rough. Living in a small, unclean basement is not what I would call first-class living, for anyone really... But I am protected from the... others, for now.

Feeling unwell lately. The cracks that cover my body like paint to an easel. It shows my life will come to a slow end, as everything does, and when the time comes, I won't be able to defend myself from *them*.

"Good evening, Dad, I brought you some herbal tea."

But Canada has been looking after me well enough. I hate to think what the others would have done to me if they had claimed Europe first. I'm disappointed in them, but that now no longer makes any impact on me or the rest of the world.

"Are you talking to yourself again? You're becoming a senile old man," Canada chuckled as he put the tray of tea down by my side.

"Heh, I guess I am. The years have not been good to me," I chuckled. I picked up the cup of tea and took a sip. Not as good as I used to make it, but it's the only joy in this dull age. Canada sat with me for a while. It was nice.

"How is France?" I asked. I hadn't seen my wife in years, the only reassurance I would get was from Canada passing on messages. I could not see her or anyone else with the Canadian Empire, let alone the rest of the world. America has been getting sneakier and has been slowly trying to get to me. I cannot trust anyone except for Canada at the moment.

"France is better... still trying to revolt though," Canada sighed.

"That's my France, never happy with whom is in charge," I chuckled. The memories of my wife had always helped me through hard times. I wished to see her smile again.

"Hey, I have been meaning to tell you something," Canada said. I could sense hesitance in his voice.

"What is it? Do not be afraid to tell, I will understand," I said calmly. I already knew what was to come.

"The others will arrive tomorrow for a meeting," Canada sighed. I placed my hand upon his shoulder to show him support.

"You will need to stay up here until the meeting is over, I wish for you to know that it is three against one. It is unlikely you will still be alive for the weekend," He put the grave context into such a polite sentence.

"I see," I replied sadly, looking down at my cup of tea. I was strong enough to hold in the sadness for now, but not any longer. Canada stood up, picking up the tray to leave. I could tell this was hard for him too.

"May I have one last request?" I choked out.

"Of Course," He said, avoiding eye-contact.

"I wish to see France again," I murmured.

I could see a slight tear reflect the light as it rolled down his cheek. Canada nodded before leaving and locking the door behind him.

Canada's POV:

I can't believe I just did that. I am a horrible son. But I make a splendid actor.

I walked down the hallway, holding the tray. This place had gotten a lot bigger since the war first started. Even after these successful years, I still get lost in the long hallways and many rooms. I wasn't meant to come this far, but here I am.

I wandered around until I found the kitchen. I placed the tray on the bench.

"This is stupid! You made a promise to him!" France shouted angrily. I could understand her rage. It was her husband.

"Where is Italy? I'm getting hungry," I asked, blatantly ignoring France's remarks.

"He is on break," France pouted. I looked down to see her free from the chains.

"Who let you free?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. I could see the panic flash through her face.

"They just fell off," She lied.

"Oh dear, then I will have to put them back on," I said kneeling down and grabbed the shackles that once encased her ankle. I pulled out the keys from my pocket and fixed the shackles on tighter than before. I could see her flinch at the pain.

"Make me something to eat, no funny business or you won't see your husband at all," I ordered before walking off to get lost in the building again. I entered the primary room. They meant it for large gatherings, but I never had a need for such events, so it remained empty.

"I assume you did it?" A deep voice from the corner came, sending shivers down my spine.

"Yes, brother. Now let him go!" I requested.

"I knew you would agree with me, but I will not return him until I get my portion." He snarled smugly as he played with the rim of the vase.

"You will get your portion tomorrow at the meeting, just like all the others," I countered. I didn't like these threats, not one bit. But he held my territory hostage, all for an extra slice of revenge. My brothers may be twisted and sick. But that's what war does, it makes you greedy and deceiving. I am no exception to the rule either, I am one of the strongest of the empires, but I didn't get to this point by being a kind person.

"I'll see you tomorrow then," He said before letting himself out. He seemed to know his way around this place better than I did. He barely even visits.

"Ireland!" I shouted. I heard the distant tapping of shoes and panting of someone running. When he ran into the room, he leant against the frame of the door, trying to catch his breath.

"You called!" Ireland puffed.

"Ah yes, I need you to clean yourself up and make yourself presentable," I said blandly.

"What? Why?" He questioned.

"Tomorrow, you will see your brother again," I said walking past him.

"North Ireland? But he is- Wait! You can't!" He cried.

"I already gave him the poisoned tea, I can't go back now," I revealed.


"No 'but's', you are under my control, and you will do as I say! Is that clear!" I roared at him before leaving the room.

Tomorrow would be an absolute, f#cking, pain. In. The. Ass.

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