Chapter 57

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Russia's POV:

As I was walking back from the bathroom, I could hear a loud screech that seemed to be coming from one of the many sleeping quarters. It was the middle of the day, so no one should be in the sleeping quarters. Out of curiosity, I went to investigate.

Following the sound, that seemed to come in short painful bursts, it led me to a door with an engraved plaque reading "SQ 54-58". A trail wet blood seemed to lead to the door coming from what looked like Germany's room. The door was open a crack and I could hear the shouting more clearly. In between screeches of pain was muttering and cursing. While I'm not usually one to listen in to people's issues, I knew those mutters anywhere.

I pushed the door open even more and looking inside to see Belarus was sitting on the bed while Finland appeared to be tending to a wound. Bela wasn't usually the type to get hurt or be clumsy, so it honestly seemed quite odd that she was in a lot of pain. The large red stain on the carpet below here seemed very telling of the severity. I walked closer to see what had happened, only to see a large bloody gash in her lower leg.

Belarus didn't seem to notice me enter as she seemed so fixated on the pain. Finland noticed me and offered a small grunt of acknowledgement without taking his eyes away from his task.

Just as I was about to ask what happened, I noticed a small, thin shard of glass sticking into her hand. The glass of a syringe. I felt chill drip down my back as I realised what had happened. By the time Bela noticed I was there, I gave her a small nod and left.

I kept my composure as I left the room, noticing two others walking past. I walked calmly to another sleeping quarters and knocked. When no one answered, I went inside and locked the door.

As soon as the door was closed, I let out a deep sigh which gave way to a tear, and then two more. Before I knew it, I was crying silently as I stared at the locked door. I could feel myself holding my breath. There no way I could get out of this alive. I looked down at my arm, the memories of that painful attack flood back to me. He could have killed me back then, and in my current state, I could not survive another battle.

Bela may have been spared, but Canada is not a fool, he will be coming for me next. I have gone through my whole life not being afraid of anything, but that is not true. I fear my own death greater than the death of others. I fear that I won't be around to protect anyone.

I heard the sound of liquid being poured into a cup. I turned around, startled to see who made that sound, but all I found was a steaming cup of tea.


I knew it. I knew f#cking knew it.

I had been replaying the footage of Wales and Samoa over and over again. Part of me felt like I should be angry, but to be honest, I was mostly impressed. Over course I knew Angola would have some sort of repercussion for creating the wings in future, but I needed to deal with Samoa first.

He was second in command, but I do not believe that he was working with the rebels, rather that he was tricked. Of course, when I found him, he will have to be executed for his stupidity and betrayal. It's a shame, I liked Samoa. He had great potential as a dictator.

"Mr NZE, Mali escaped, but others have seen her heading into the vent grate in the third hallway." Niue explained as he stood in the doorway of my office. I thought about what he had said, and let it play through my mind a few times. Something about it reminded me of Papua New Guinea. I turned around in my chair to face him.

"The vents, you say? There have been an awful amount of reports about people in the vents lately." I thought out loud.

"Yes, I have a feeling you are thinking the same thing I am." Niue continued.

"That the rebels have been basing their operations in the vents." I answered for him.

"I was actually going to say that they were living there." Niue mumbled.

"Niue, why the f#ck would anyone live in the vents? If they were living in the vents this whole time, their backs would have caved in and they would be covered in dirt. Don't be stupid!" I snapped.

"Geez, sorry I said my opinion." Niue rolled his eyes.

"That wasn't an opinion. Ugh! Never mind, as Samoa is unavailable, I'm going to get need you to redirect everyone's attention to the vents. Perhaps we could gas them out." I ordered.

"You plan to put gas in the vents? The vents that connect to every room and hallway in the building?" Niue voiced his concern rudely.

"I didn't say I planned to, it was a suggestion, but for now, you have to get everyone to watch and listen to the vents." I ordered again. Niue simply nodded and left.

I figured taking over the world would be hard, but I didn't think that the reason for it was morons. I felt the boredom setting in again. I decided to do some more snooping around to see what Canada was up to. I never checked in on him, despite him being a viable threat.

I flicked through the cameras to see what I could find. It was honestly quite hilarious. Everyone looked miserable and pathetic. Italy looked like was just getting by on the cooking wine in the kitchen. Canada had obviously taken place in some discipline. Austria was tending to the garden.

But what caught my eye most of all, was England and Germany. They seemed to be walking down the hallway and looking into rooms as if they were looking for something in particular.

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