Happy New Year

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Nick shifted in his sleep trying to make himself a bit more comfortable. He could feel his neck and back aching. His eyes opened slowly and when he realized he was in Max's room he sat up fast hitting his head.

"Shit!" He mumbled.

He was still in the position he remembered taking when Max had asked him to stay with her. She was now fast asleep under her blankets. Quietly he crept out of the bed and walked out into the hallway. The night's events replayed in his head and it made him furious. Derek was due for a chat from him. With the plan of storming over to Derek's house he started up the stairs and turned right back as someone rang the doorbell.

Nick unlocked the door and opened slowly. He smiled and frowned as he saw Howie standing there with a grin on his face.

"Hey D!"

"Hi Nick. Thought I'd come by to see you guys. Man, Kevin had me working like a burro."

"Like a donkey huh?" Nick stuck his hands in his pockets and rocked on his heels, while Howie walked into the house and looked around for his daughter.

"Where is Max? She's never sleeping at this time." He looked at his watch to make sure he wasn't off on the time. "It's noon."

Nick cleared his throat and tried to come up with a good lie. "We went out to the club last night and came home late."

"Nick! I've told you not to encourage her to do—"

"It wasn't his fault." Maxine interrupted Nick and Howie. She was standing in the hallway with her blanket still wrapped around her body. She ached and her head was throbbing as she spoke. "I went out last night..."

Howie looked at her and then Nick as he waited for Maxine to finish her story. "What happened? Are you alright?"

"Thanks to Nick. I went with some friends and I..." She looked at Nick and then back at Howie. "I took an ecstasy pill."

"You what?" Howie rushed over to Maxine and touched her face. "Are you alright? Why the hell would you do that? Those things are dangerous, Max."

Maxine covered her face. She was so ashamed for doing what she had. The memories were fuzzy, but she knew that Nick had put up with her that night. "I'm sorry. I just...it was so tempting to forget it all, Howie. I didn't hesitate when Derek offered me the orange pill."

Howie sighed heavily and wrapped his arms around Max. Hesitantly she embraced him back and buried her face into his shoulders. She felt a mixture of emotions as she stood there hugging him. It was awkward to her, since she didn't really know him; yet, it felt nice to know that her father cared.

The sliding door slamming startled the twosome and they broke from their embrace. Maxine threw the blanket to the floor and hurried out the door, Howie right behind her. Nick was storming down to the Oceanside where Derek was walking and right behind him was a barking Turbo.

"Nick! Turbo!" Maxine shouted trudging through the sand to reach him. She was thankful for the sun throwing down some heat on her half naked body.

Nick could hear Maxine calling his name, but he was set upon hurting Derek who had already noticed that Nick was in attack mode. Quickly he put his hands up and shrunk into a protective position and shooed the dog away.

"What the hell, Nick?"

Nick shoved him and he fell on his ass. Turbo growled and let out vicious barks, waiting for someone to give him the signal to attack. "You gave her that shit to take advantage of her. She was all alone when I found her. What the fuck, Derek?"

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