I Want You

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After a long night Nick and Max said their goodbyes and headed back home. The ride to the house was quiet, with a few glances and smiles. Neither one said anything about the incident in the bathroom.

Henry pulled into the driveway and the twosome stepped out of the Lincoln. Nick leaned into the window to thank his favorite driver.

"Thanks Henry. Hope you had a good holiday?"

He nodded at Nick, "It was great, thanks. So I will be here Monday to take you to the press conference."

"Thanks!" Nick said and watched the Lincoln disappear.

He double stepped up the deck and headed into the house. He started to unbutton his shirt as he made way into the kitchen, where Maxine was sitting on the counter chugging a bottle of water.

"Why did you kiss me tonight?" Maxine asked out of the blue, as she twisted back on the lid to her water.

Nick leaned against the counter and did the usual neck massage move when he was nervous. "It was to ring in the New Year. People do it all the time."

"Really? So that's all it was?" she asked with disappointment.

Nick gave her a shrug. "What else do you want it to be, Max? We aren't going to have this whole 'I'm not good for you' discussion again are we?"

"Why can't I decide what's good for me?"

"Because you're young and naïve and your not thinking clearly!"

Maxine rolled her eyes at him and jumped off the counter. "Whatever..."

"Don't do that. Just try to understand me. I've got Howie and all my other friends reminding me of what a fuck up I am and that I shouldn't drag you along." Nick's eyes shifted to the floor.

Maxine stood in front of him and curled her fingers into his shirt. "You're not a fuck up. You've made really bad choices, but everyone can change. I believe in you." She tried to make eye contact with him, but his eyes remained on the tile floor.

He didn't say anything as his gaze slowly met with her brown eyes and his hands snaked around her small frame. "I want—"

She placed her finger on his lips to hush him and slowly traced his top lip and then his bottom lip. "I want you to."

Angrily he removed her hands and pushed her away. "No, Max...I can't." He ran his hands over his head.

She glared at him and walked towards the sliding doors. Turbo let out a bark. "Fine, I'll go look for someone my age, like Derek, he wants me." She walked out into the chilly night.

"Max, come back here! He's nothing but trouble." Nick stopped at the top of the deck stairs and watched her trudging through the sand towards the pier. "Max!" He sighed angrily and started to follow her. "Fuck!"

Quickly he was right beside her. "Just go back home Nick."

"Max, would you stop?" He sighed heavily and took hold of her arm forcing her to stop. "Stop! You don't know what you're getting yourself into with Derek? He's bad for you."

"He may be bad for me...but at least he admits to wanting to be with me." She shouted trying to pull away from Nick. His grip remained tight on her arm which pissed her off even more. She punched him in the chest.

Nick was beyond mad and she could tell by the clenching of his jaw. "I won't let you go!"

"Oh please! How are you going to stop me?" She hit him again.

Without any warning he pulled her close and picked her up and threw her over his shoulders. She kicked and screamed for him to put her down, but he ignored her and carried her home.

Turbo was barking a storm and didn't stop until Nick put her down in the hallway and turned around menacingly yelling at him to shut up.

"Don't talk to him like that. It's not his fault you're a coward."

Nick turned around threw his hands against the wall, leaning his body forward trying to breath away the anger. He hung his head between his arms and sighed heavily.

His body tensed as he felt warmth around his waist. Max ran her hands up his chest making him close his eyes. Slowly he turned around to face her.

She looked up at him and smiled, "Fuck'em right?"

"I want you...so bad." He muttered letting his lips crash with hers. They kissed eagerly as he picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. They crashed into the wall their mouths never parting.

He carried her to her bed; slowly he put her down and helped her slip out of the dress. Shyly she pulled him onto the bed. His lips moved to her chin, down her neck and collarbone, while she managed to finish unbuttoning his shirt and slowly pushed it off his shoulders. She trailed kisses over his tattoos and up his neck.

Meanwhile his hands roamed up her inner thighs, his fingers slipping through the seam of her panties. She sighed, feeling the warmth of his hands in such private areas. With ease he helped her remove what was left of her undergarments.

Quietly she helped him with his buckle, while he anxiously tried to free his manhood. "Nick..." Maxine swallowed hard as she watched him undress.

"Yeah." He breathed.

"Um...I....I've never done this before."

"Really? Maybe we should stop?"

She shook her head and placed her hands on the sides of his face. "No, I'm ok." He bent down to engulf her mouth and gently pushed into her. He moved slowly enjoying the sounds escaping her mouth, the feeling of her body against his and sensation of being inside of her.

In the back of his mind he still had the nagging feeling that things were only going to get messy for them. Then again, things were already messy. He decided to concentrate on being with Max, it felt so good to be this intertwined with her.

He was pretty sure it was his first and last time.

He was pretty sure it was his first and last time

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