Good Friend

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Nick was frozen in place and he had no idea what his next move would be. Carlos looked his usual serene self. His leg was crossed and his hands were folded neatly over his lap.

"Shit. I thought you might never come home. You really gotta work on your security system. Anyone can just come in."

"What do you want? I thought we had an agreement already. My time isn't up yet." AJ turned to look at him confused. "Don't even ask." Nick put up his hand to stop AJ from opening his mouth.

Carlos slowly stood up and walked towards the twosome. He looked out into the darkness where only the crashing waves could be seen.

"Where's Turbo?" Nick asked looking around the deck and into the house through the sliding doors. There was no sight of him. "You better not hurt the dog." Nick threatened.

"Or else what?" Carlos slowly pulled out a gun from the back of his pants and aimed it at them. Nick stepped back instantly; it was the same gun he'd seen Mark get killed with. He could never forget the damn thing. He swallowed hard and heard AJ gasp. "Don't get fucking crazy with me."

"Just tell me what the fuck you want already." Nick wasn't taking his crap tonight. Maybe, dying was better and safer for everyone else. "You want to kill me? Go ahead..." Nick stuck out his chest and held his head up high.

"Uh...don't kill him please. He's drunk." AJ stated shakily, part of him was hiding behind Nick.

"You're not helping!" Nick snapped.

Carlos found him amusing letting out a bark of a laugh. "The hell I'm going to kill you and make it easy? No. I have other plans for you and although it's only part of the money you owe me not even a small fraction of it. It's going to be exciting to see how you pull it off." He dug into his pocket and took out a folded piece of paper. "I think it's a good way to settle part of your debt."

"I don't understand."

"I didn't see your little roommate here tonight. Did you have a falling out?" Carlos unfolded the paper and held it up to Nick's face. "You sent her away...because you knew I would get to her. Such a little petite woman, I would have never taken her as the fighting type."

Nick looked at the flyer, he felt his heart race, Maxine was plastered on it in her fighting pose. He didn't even know there were flyers out there. "Where the hell did you get that?"

Carlos grinned, "I have my connections. You don't really think that I stopped knowing where Maxine Wheeler was? I know everything about her, who her parents are, how she got that ugly mutt. That she's madly in love with you."

Nick snatched the flyer out of his hand and wadded it up. "Don't you dare touch her."

"Whoa hero! Nothing is going to happen to her if you do as I tell you this time. Are we clear?"

"Depends on what it is."

"Seriously Carter, you should just listen to the man and do as he asks." AJ butted into the conversation again. Nick glared at him. "What? I'm serious."

"You got a pretty smart friend who has a point. He acting like a pussy too."

"I am not!" AJ protested forgetting the danger Carlos posed.

Carlos looked out towards the beach again and then back at Nick. "You know that mutt of yours just doesn't die. I mean to survive two bullet holes is a miracle." Nick's brows furrowed with concern. "I was me. I thought that might spook you, but instead you thought it was your roomies little lover. He just entertained himself by watching me do it. Sick kid." Carlos laughed again.

"You motherfucker!" Nick lunged forward; Carlos shoved the gun in his face.

"Not so fast...first we are going to find out if the dog can swim." He waved his arm in the air and both Nick and AJ turned to look in the same direction. Nick narrowed his eyes and finally focused on the dark shadows by the shore.

"'t do that." Nick started down the stairs, but stopped abruptly when he heard Carlos cock the gun. He continued to stare into the darkness watching as the two goons held down Turbo in the water. Nick didn't know what he felt; it was a mixture of emotions from being sad to angry about what they were doing to his friend. "He's just a dog!"

"Would you like your friend here to replace him?" Carlos pointed the gun at AJ, who winced with the gesture. Nick didn't bother answering. He just stood there with his arms to the side and his fists balled up tight. Thinking that if he ever got the chance to get Carlos without his goons and the gun he would give him a real beating.

Carlos gave a wave and waited for Nick to want to listen to him. "Are you ready to hear what I have to say?"

Nick spun around and glared at him. "Just fucking say it."

"This fight you're little girlfriend is in is actually a big deal. The winner gets a contract with Strikeforce's female league and people are betting good money...sadly it's AGAINST the rookie. Therefore when I bet and I will bet high, it will be against her."

"So if you know the rookie won't win what do you need me for?"

"She trained with you and Marco. I know she's going to put up a fight and hell she could actually win."

"Then bet for her." AJ pipped and then shrunk back into his spot.

"Not that easy. There is a possibility that she can pull it off and I don't want to run the risk of Nick here owing me more money."

"Fuck Carter now you're placing bets." AJ shook his head.

"No, he never put up a bet. He just made me lose MY bet and now I'm short a lot of cash. So, all I need you to do is to get her to lose. Hell, if she doesn't even appear in the ring it would be better. I don't care what you have to do...Max has to lose."

"No fucking way! She worked hard to get where she is and I am not about to do that. Fuck you and your fucking ideas." Nick shook his head.

Carlos put his gun away. "This isn't something you can debate with me . This is what I want you to do and if you don't do it this time, Carter. I told you before what I'm going to do to her sweet ass—"

Nick tried to control himself but he'd thrown the punch before he could stop himself. The blow to the face knocked Carlos a few feet back, but when he composed himself he was all over Nick. His face inches away from Nick's and his hand was curled up into Nick's collar.

"If she doesn't lose...I'm coming after both of you and after I let you watch me and my men fuck your little girlfriend. I'm going to let you watch me kill her slowly. Then...I might kill her dad...and her little brother and once you know what it feels like to be the cause of all that...I'll kill you." Carlos waved his hand again then pushed his way past Nick and AJ. "You should be happy I spared your friend here and I'm only killing the dog. Pets are replaceable." He disappeared into the darkness.

As soon as he was out of sight Nick ran out onto the sand and towards the ocean side. He felt like he was running in place and could never get there. The goons passed him by and all he saw as he neared the wet sand was a motionless figure being shoved to shore.

Nick stood watching in disbelief and wondering if this was really happening to him. Tears filled his eyes as he thought about how much Turbo had helped him the past couple of weeks. How much he meant to Max and how devastated she would be.

"Nick." AJ's hand on his shoulder brought him back to the moment.

Nick didn't say a word as he slowly walked towards the figure. "Ah fuck..." He cried out and got down on his knees to pick up the lifeless dog. "Turbo! I'm sorry!" He held onto the lifeless dog and sunk into the sand to cry.

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