Knock Out

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Nick was surprised to hear people cheering his name as he slowly entered the octagon. The floor was cold under his bare feet sending a chill through his body. Quickly he felt the tension between him and Court rise as they made eye contact. Court was jumping around taunting him with his hand gestures. Nick rolled his eyes and busied himself with fixing his gloves. He was trying to ignore some of the booing and all the eyes that were on him, especially Carlos and Maxine's.

The referee asked him if he was ready and quickly after his nod the bell rang. He didn't even remember that there was a bell before each round, that's how much attention he'd paid to his past fights. Nick and Court walked up to each other and slowly circled the octagon, each waiting for the other to put their guard down.

Court swiftly moved forward flicking kicks at Nick's legs and midsection. Nick returned the kicks, but covered his face when Court rained on him with punches. A few strikes landed on his side and one right to the neck. Nick felt the pain and stepped back to compose himself. Then rushed forward and continued to keep his hands up to cover his face, knocking away each of Courts blows.

Nick could hear his heart beating. He could hear himself breathing hard and he could hear his friends cheering him on. He cursed them for being there and having a reason to at least put up a fight, even though losing seemed so much easier at the moment.

Court took advantage of Nick's moment of spacing out and threw a quick blow to his face. Nick stumbled back disoriented and Court pushed him against the fence. Nick put up a fight to keep Court from taking him down for the remainder of the first round.

Marco and his assistants were quickly at Nick's side aiding him. Nick was trying to catch his breath taking in different commands from Marco. While one of the other men rubbed ointment on his swelling cheek.

"You're putting up a fight, but your letting him corner you. What's going on?" Marco questioned.

Nick didn't say anything and just nodded as the ringside model pranced around the ring. Swiftly he was at his feet again.

Maxine bit at her nails as round two ended with Court's forehead busted and Nick pinned to the ground in a choke hold, but he didn't tap out. He wasn't fighting the way she expected. Nick was letting Court get the best of him and she didn't understand why.

By round three it was pretty obvious that the two were already exhausted and struggling to hurry up and end the fight. Nick sat huffing and puffing. He could barely see out of his left eye and a searing pain radiated around his side.

"Are you sure you want to continue? It might be a broken rib."

"I'm good. Let's get this shit over with." Nick stood and wiped away the sweat from his face.

He tried not to make it obvious his side was hurting, Court would use that against him. He stepped forward and once again the bell rang announcing the fourth round. Nick had to make a decision and fast.

Court rushed forward and swung, hitting Nick in the shoulder. Nick swung back and smashed his fist into Court's face. The two were so tired they seemed to be circling the ring in an embrace.

They broke apart and continued circling around the ring throwing punches and kicks at each others bodies. Nick bent over when one of Court's kicks crashed into his ribs.

Court took over smothering Nick with short punches to the face. The pain was apparent on Nick's face as he tried to fight off Court's blows. It wasn't working for him, Court had found Nick's weakness. Over and over he punched Nick in the ribs followed by a sharp kick to the side of the head that sent Nick falling flat on his back. Court kicked Nick over and over as he tried to get up.

The crowd went wild as they anticipated Court's win.

"Get up Nick!!" Maxine shouted.

Nick gritted his teeth as he struggled to cover himself from the blows. He was tired and in pain, but he'd made up his mind and wasn't going to give up.

Nick fought back as he struggled to get up and landed against the fence, giving Court easy access to crash into him, wrestling Nick down onto the mat receiving continuous blows to the head and ribs.

Nick could feel the pressure of only seconds left on the clock. He had to do what he thought best. He fought against Court's strikes and the twosome wrestled to find a mounting position, but neither were successful.

Nick swiped at his bloody nose as he stood back up and faced his opponent. Court charged at him with fist in the air and against his exhaustion and pain Nick swung a monstrous right hook.

Court went down. 

The bell rang.

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