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"I think it's a good idea!" Nick tried to sound upbeat about the idea of Maxine leaving with Howie to get to know her new family better, but the truth was he didn't want her to go either.

"Where is all this coming from? Did Howie tell you something? We can go talk to him now..." She started for the door. 

Nick quickly blocked her way. "This has nothing to do with him. It's all me...I just feel like I'm being selfish keeping you here when you can live a normal life, with Howie."

"Is it because you won the fight so now you don't need me." Maxine shook her head in disbelief.

Nick stretched out his arms to embrace her, but she pushed him away. "Max, you know it's not like that. I just think that you should take advantage to get to know your dad. Anyways, the fight tournament is in Florida."

Maxine pushed him out of the way and opened the door storming out angrily. Nick followed her through the crowd calling out her name. "Max would you wait! Stop!"

Swiping at a tear running down her cheek she turned to look at him with her arms crossed over her chest. She was disappointed and it hurt to know that Nick was ok with her leaving after all the things they had gone through.

Nick caught a glimpse of Carlos advancing towards them quickly. He sighed knowing that what would happen next would really hurt Maxine and he would probably never see her again. This was the perfect opportunity, he wouldn't let that bastard get Maxine involved in this mess.

"Hey Carter!" Carlos approached the twosome like he was a good friend of Nick's.

Maxine quickly recognized him as the guy in the hallway that one night. He didn't give her a good vibe so she forced a smile towards him.

"Hey." Nick answered.

"Hi." Maxine answered softly.

"You're the girl that the winner kissed after the fight. The win must've been dedicated to you?"

Maxine laughed bitterly and looked up at Nick. "I highly doubt that." She snapped.

"What are you talking about. She's my close friend's daughter and also my roommate at the time. I thought I made it clear to you that she's not my girlfriend or anything close to that." Nick felt terrible as he saw Maxine look up at him. There was confusion and pain written all over her face.

She faked a smile. "Nice talking to you...but I have to get back home and pack my bags." She turned around and walked away.

Nick and Carlos watched her till she got lost in the crowd of people. "Are you happy? Is that proof enough?"

Carlos smiled. "I'm not sure if that's proof that you're madly in love with that little brunette or that you are a really big asshole who sends mixed signals to young women." Carlos threw an arm over Nick's shoulders and forced him to walk. "Fine, so she's not important and it sounds like she's not your roommate anymore, but something is fucking fishy here. If I find out that you are mind fucking me Nick Carter...I will make sure that my goons and I get a good use out of that hot little body of hers and then I'll blow her brains out just like I did Mark's." He squeezed Nick's shoulder. "Are we clear?"

Nick swallowed hard and groaned at the pain in his shoulder. "Yes! Now can you get the hell out of here?"

"Sure thing." He did a head motion and the goons followed him.

Maybe winning the fight hadn't been so important. He could have lost, kept Maxine by his side and Carlos wouldn't be on his ass. He found himself hiding in the office the rest of the party knowing tomorrow would be a dreadful day.


Maxine wiped away the tears as she carefully hugged Turbo who was lying on her bed. "Thanks so much Becky for watching him for us. I'm so glad that he's better."

"He's a great dog. You shouldn't cry he's going to be fine." Becky patted Maxine's shoulder.

"I know. It's just that I found out that my dad lives in a condo in Florida and I can't take him with me." Maxine's eyes were red and puffy from all the crying. Yes, she would miss Turbo, but deep down she knew that Nick would take great care of him. Plus, it was comforting to know that Nick wouldn't be alone anymore. The tears were for Nick more than anything.

"Well I must go open my shop. Good luck with your dad and take care of yourself." Becky gave her a wave and Maxine watched her walk down the hallway and out of the sliding doors. As soon as the woman was out of sight she busted into tears all over again. Throwing what little she had into a bag.

"Max!" She heard the familiar voice yell from the living room. Quickly she started to wipe away the tears and busied herself with packing the rest of her things. She could hear the footsteps getting closer and when they stopped she knew he was at the door.

"You can't give me the silent treatment." Nick muttered under his breath.

She didn't look up at him and continued to angrily stuff things into the bag. "It doesn't matter anymore Nick. I know where I stand with you and quite frankly I shouldn't be surprised. My dad warned me and so did my gut."

"That's not fair. I've got a lot of shit going on right now and I can't..."

"You can't distract yourself with me anymore...yeah, I get it."

Turbo barked when he heard them arguing. He whimpered and adjusted himself on the bed. "Turbo has to...stay with you...Leigh said they live in a condo and I can't..." Maxine bit her lip to keep herself from crying. "Just promise me that you won't just leave him somewhere when you're tired of him."

"I know what that comment means and I'm not leaving you. I just...Max would you cut me some slack please."

"I'm going to tell you something...and it's sincere and I've never told anyone this before and you don't have to respond." She took hold of her bag and threw it over her shoulder. "Just listen." She got close to him and ran a hand over his chest. Her eyes connected with his as she continued to bite at her lip.

"I love you. I love you, Nick Carter." 

She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him one last time. Nick didn't say anything, but he couldn't help himself and his hand cupped her cheek deepening the kiss. Maxine pulled away and gave him a weak smile. Turbo slowly got off the bed and followed the twosome down the hall and to the front door.

Howie was standing outside along with Leigh waiting for Maxine already. Howie approached the twosome and gave Nick a big hug. "Take care of yourself, man. If you need anything call me or AJ."

"Thanks. I will."

Maxine bent down to pet Turbo's head. He gave her a quick lick on the cheek and whimpered. She stood up feeling the tears fill her eyes and the knot in her throat grow. "Goodbye guys. Take care of each other." She sniffled.

Nick took hold of her hand not wanting to let her go. She turned back to look at him and pulled her hand out of his grip. Quickly and quietly she put her things in the trunk and took a seat in the back. She didn't dare look back because it would only finish breaking her heart.

Howie gave one last wave and jumped into the car, taking a glimpse of his daughter who seemed really distraught with the whole situation. He was tempted to let her stay with Nick, but now he knew she was in danger and there was no way he would let her be put into a situation like that. He revved the engine and started out of the driveway.

Nick stood on the front deck there was an ache in his chest and he knew it wasn't physical from the fight the night before. Turbo huffed and whimpered looking out at the driveway, as if he knew what was exactly going on. Nick turned to look at him and sighed heavily. He felt the urge to run after the car and keep her from leaving, but he knew she had to go. It was for her own safety

Turbo continued to whimper looking like he might break into a sprint after the car.

"Come on boy. I know it hurts..."

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