Molten Boss x Frost Spirit

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molten giant and frozen spirit, hmmmm.... nobody wouldn't mind if i shipped them both :)

yes it's not really logical but just stick to TDS's logic for now


The Molten Boss had to retreat with his titans and the few zombies that remained from the battlefield, the burning beast was pretty much low and tried to find his way back to the void.

However, they got lost very quickly in a sort of Outpost in the middle of a forest.. Where they decided to rest for the night before going back to the Void.

The sun quickly stopped shining because of the clouds, they started covering the whole sky, a few seconds was enough for the clouds to cover the entire sky.

The temperature in the area also got colder by the time that the sky got completely covered by these grey and thick clouds.

The Molten Boss would notice that and tell all the zombies to get close to him so he can heat them up with the heat that his body produced, like that they would not die from the cold.

A pretty thick but still visible mist would then appear, spreading in the whole area, making it a bit harder for them to see.


Molten Boss would then hear footsteps coming from the thick mist, and a shadow would been seen. He grabbed his scythe with both hands and got up, he also told the motlen titans to heat up the other zombies.

More footprints could be beards until the shadowy man came out of the mist, he then saw that it was Frost Spirit! He inserted his scythe back on the back of his chestplate. Frost Spirit was one of Molten Boss's closest friends.

The Frost Spirit looked very confused and shocked on what the Molten Boss and his zombies are doing in a winter area and that it is very dangerous for them since they can potentially die from the cold.
- "Uhm... Molten? What the hell are you doing here?!"
- "Well.. We got lost and since we found a sort of comfy area.. We decided to rest here for the night, we had no idea that it would end up really bad.."

The Molten Boss explained all that happened after going back to his zombies to heat them up, since the titans weren't bringing enough warmth for everyone. He really felt bad and stupid that his clumsiness made them suffer from the extreme cold.
- "Well don't just sit there! Ask your titans to bring your zombies behind the walls over there near the blocked exit, the wind doesn't pass there."

The Molten Boss agreed and told the titans to do what the Frost Spirit said, the titans struggled a bit to get there's but eventually made it safe and clean.
However, he would shiver a bit from the intense amount of coldness.

The Frost Spirit then made the Molten Boss to sit on a cliff close to the, surprisingly, not frozen lake, he then proceeded to sit next to him and to share his robe with him.
Molten Boss also had to get even closer to him so that he doesn't catch a cold once again.
- "O-Oh.. Thanks Frost, that's very nice of you."
- "It's fine Molten but.. I'm still wondering why you came here, it's really dangerous for you."
- "We just got lost.. It's not a big deal.. Don't wo- Woah!"

The Frost Spirit would pull the almost extinguished beast the closest to him, which surprised the Molten Boss.
At that moment he felt weird, like he always wanted to be with him.

He tried to think about something else but the Frost Spirit was the only thing that came up in his mind, which would make that feeling grow more and more stronger.

The Molten Boss was really tired, but the cold was the only thing that stopped him from doing so.
- "You're extremely tired, aren't you Molten?"
- "Yeah.. But hey..."
- "Hm? What is it Molten?"

The Molten Boss was scared of asking this since it could break their entire friendship, but it was required, he couldn't stay awake any longer.
- "Could I... Possibly sleep on your lap..? I'm sorry if that sounds weird..."
- "Oh.. Yeah, you can! I don't really mind."

The Molten Boss didn't excepted this response, but he was extremely happy he said accepted, he then layed his head on his comfortable lap and closed his eyes, finally getting some deserved sleep.

Frost then asked one of his Frost Ravager to check if the zombies behind the wall near the exit were fine as well, which they were also fine and were sleeping. The ravager checked if they were not dead to verify and they were all alive, all safe and sound.

The Frost Spirit looked at him and smiled in relief, he kissed his head as a "Goodnight.", he really hoped that everyday could be the same, even tho deep inside he knew it couldn't this way.

Either way, they still loved each other despite that their elements are completely opposite.
And that's what made the lovebirds' night more enjoyable with the company of each other.


Mann I really like writing dem fanfics at night lol- Well see ya tommorow for another fanficcc, take care! (Also gn lol)

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