Archer x Slasher

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event towers yeah

totally didn't ran out of ideas ;w;


It was a peaceful day as usual for Archer, everyday he would pratice his aiming, more importantly his headshots, outside with Slasher watching him from behind.

Everytime Archer landed a hit on the dummy, he would hear the sound of Slasher clapping his hands, cheering him up.

It would really make him feel nice, and would often hug or thanks Slasher for his nice attitude.

But today, Archer felt like doing special, so he got up early making sure to not wake up most of the towers.

However, to get to the training grounds, you needed to pass the cafeteria, which wasn't much of a problem for him.

But, when he was on his way to get to the training grounds, he noticed that Commander and DJ were sitting in the cafeteria, he was explaining to DJ about the plan for a hardcore triumph, with his electronic tablet.

He just hoped that DJ wouldn't notice him so he could get outside without getting scolded at by Commander for being up this early.

So he sneaked to the training grounds slowly but surely, unfortunately, DJ had noticed him but Archer begged him to not tell Commander he was here.
*Please DJ I beg you don't tell him I'm here..*

Fortunately, DJ replied with a sneaky thumbs up, and went to listen to Commander's plan once again. Slasher was relieved, after arriving he could now try this "special thing".

He took his fetish bow and tied up a piece of paper on the arrow with a "I <3 you" write on it.
- "I hope he'll take it nicely."

He was a really good shooter with bows anyways, so he just really needed to shoot close near Slasher's window.

Which he did and actually landed his shot, surprisingly neither of Commander or DJ came to check up on the training grounds with how much noise it made.

But Archer heard a window open up there, it was Slasher's! As he took the small piece of paper to read it.

His face became red in a matter of second, where he would disappear again just to come back a few seconds later.

Slasher would remove the arrow from the wall and throw it near Archer with the paper, making a heart symbol with his hands.

When Archer opened it, he wouldnt be surprised to see "I <3 u tooo" as his answer but he would be very grateful for it.

Now he just couldn't get back to his room since Commander or DJ would spot him right away, so he just waited a few hours until he could FINALLY come inside.

In the end Archer caught a small common cold and Slasher would always be in his room, taking care of his future lover.


Its really bad sorry- I'm just really tired from writing every day, my imagination is kinda getting dry lol

so uh ill probably do one last ship until ill go write a new oneshot tds ships book AND maybe a nsfw ship book but it's not sure yet ok baiiii :)

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