Fallen Swordmaster x Fallen King

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love between two fallen beans :3

yeah i have some weird ships lol-


Today was an extremely rough day in hardcore for the Fallen Swordmaster and the Fallen King, after a long battle, they had to flee the wrecked battlefield, leaving the Void Reavers and their minions behind.

It was a slefish for them to leave them to die, but they had to think for their own lifes before anything else, which lead into them running away.

After fleeing for more than a hour and a half, they found a "peaceful" forest, where they decided to rest before going back to the Void. They both sit next to a huge tree.
-"God freaking damnit.. That was a close call.. They almost killed both of us.."

It was a close call for both of the fallen major bosses, they're really low on health and weak, hoping that no towers tracked them down to this forest.
- "Hey.. At least we made it out of this battlefield alive, shouldn't we be happy about that? The towers could've easily killed us while we were fleeing."
- "I guess.. But.. The way they shredded Grave Digger and.. Molten Boss.. It's absolutely sickening..."

The Fallen King was extremely pissed and sad about the lost of his two greatest friends, especially Molten Boss, which was his only very close friend.
- "I know.. That you and Molten Boss were very close friends.. I'm sorry that it happened, my King.."
- "You're fine... But what am I supposed to say to the Frost Spirit now..? He's gonna hate me for failing to protect Molten.."

The Fallen King then faced the other way that Swordmaster was, he didn't wanted to let him see that he was crying and he knew that Frost would definitely kill him if he learnt the full story.

The Fallen Swordmaster noticed that he was crying and decided to hug him from his back, to comfort him, he really didn't wanted to see his King like that.
- "Shh.. Don't cry Fall'.. I'm here no matter what happens.."
- "W-Wha... What are you.. Doing..?"

He though that was a hint to let go off him so he slowly stopped but apparently it wasn't a hint for that at all.
- "I didn't told you to.. Remove your arms, didn't I?"
- "Sorry, I though you wanted me to stop hugging you."
- "The way you hug.. It reminds me of Molten's friendly hugs... That's why I was surprised.."

The Fallen King felt... Weird.. He never had this weird feeling with anyone.. But with the Fallen Swordmaster, something was off but in the same time it wasn't.

The Fallen Swordmaster also felt this feeling, it wasn't off for him it was just simply natural, he then placed his head on his shoulder, going in for a kiss on the neck.

He knew that he wouldnt be against the idea of them being together, so he decided to be extremely obvious about it.
- "Alright, alright.. Swordmaster, you're really caring about me all of the sudden, what's up with that."
- "I though I was being really obvious right now, but it's fine if you didn't get it."

The Fallen King would scratch his head a little bit thinking about what he could possibly want, and that's exactly at this moment when he knew what he wanted.
- "O-Oh... Well.. I hate to admit it but... I like you a bit too.."
- "Awwwe, looks like someone's flustered~"
- "S-Shut up before I'm leaving you here alone.."
- "Well I'm sorry to disappoint you my King, but you wouldn't be able to find you way back to the Void."
- "..Fuck you."

Nighttime eventually came and the Fallen King got really tired, he saw that Swordmaster was already laying down while looking at the stars, thinking that the stars would be them being together forever.

He then layed next to him, putting an hand on his chest and used his cape as a blanket because the area around them started to become more cold, he then closed his eyes, finally resting.

The Swordmaster wasn't tired at all, but he did dragged Fallen King much more closer to him with his arm, while staring at the stars with a big smile on his face.

He eventually fell asleep as well and they said that they "slept through the best night ever".


Aaaaa i love shipping the fallen beansss, they're so cute together

next i'll probably do freezer x pyro, slasher x gladiator or sledger x frost spirit

okay see ya tomorrow for the new story! ;)

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