Cowboy x Crook Boss

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yeehaw man and mafia man?!?!?!?!

ayo what da cowboy doin'-


Cowboy and Crook Boss wouldn't get along often, they would usually argue about Cowboy's cash ability and how it's unfair that he couldn't get that ability too.

But when it came to working together in the battlefield, oh boy, they avoided each other at all costs. Making sure they wouldn't make any physical contact.

Although, that day, something happened that would force Cowboy to save the life of the one who he despited the most, which would make them become a bit closer.


Gunshots and explosions could be heard from anywhere in the battlefield, they were having a rough time fighting Fallen King's army.

Crook Boss forced his Crooks and Mafia to protect him and to attack any zombies they saw while heading to the entrance.

Cowboy on the other hand, was generating alot of money by shooting the zombies, not alot for expensive upgrades like Ranger's max level or even Turret's max level. But it would help alot.

Wave 30 arrived, and that's where things started to get downhill for the Crook Boss.

As he was shooting the zombies, killing most of them one by one, he heard fast footsteps coming from behind him, so he quickly got to the side, calling his mafia.. But they never showed up.
*Oh god where are them when you need them the most.*

This only made the fast zombies heading to the Crook Boss even more faster and without any problems, although he did saw it was a few Fallens, so he started shooting at them.

Taking one out... Taking another one out... They were getting closer but he was confident, Taking another one out... Only one left, I'm sure he can finish-

You gotta be kidding me... Out of ammos, the last fallen was low but kept rushing at the nervous crook boss until he almost gets his hand on him.

Crook Boss having quick reaction time, ducked to avoid the Fallen and then got up again to start running into the back, where his ammos for the tommy gun would be.

However, the Fallen caught up pretty quickly as he catches him, and trying to kill him while he was defending himself. He screamed for help, hoping that anyonr would hear him.

In this noisy mess, only one heard it Crook Boss's cries, it was Cowboy.
At first he didn't wanted to go save him but, he was still a teammate after all.

So Cowboy quickly runned to the source of the screams and when he arrived... He saw Crook Boss, with a Fallen on top of him, trying to kill him in the most brutal way possible.

His cries would make him sad, but he had no time to lose, Cowboy quickly shot the Fallen twice in the head, as he sas the lifeless corpse just fall next to the traumatized Crook Boss.
- "..Thanks you..."
- "No problems.. But don't except me to save ya life everytime partner."

Crook Boss embarrassingly got up as he reloaded his tommy gun, he looked at Cowboy, even tho he has all this money advantages... He's not too bad right?
- "Yeah.. I just ran out of bullets."
- "It's alright, let's just get back to the battlefield."

They then got back to the battlefield like nothing happened, finally facing the Fallen King for the 6th time this year.


After the intense battle against the Fallen King, everyone went back to base, except for of course, Cowboy as he didn't lived in the base.

Cowboy would be the only tower to not live at the base, he lived in the Badlands, so when someone needed to see him, they had to go all the way to there.

Cowboy then heard a knock on his door, who could it be at this hour?
But when he got to open it, his look on his face would become a bit upsetting.

It was Crook Boss, he came alone which is weird since he always walks anywhere with his mafia.
- "..Do you need anything?"
- "Well.. Can I come in for a bit?"
- "Sure?"

He allowed Crook Boss in, still confused about what he's doing here, he usually never comes to Cowboy's house too.

In the same time Cowboy took a fresh bottle of water from his fridge, giving it to Crook Boss as they both sat on the couch.
- "There, you must be craving for water right now."
- "Yeah.. The way here was pretty tiring."
- "Well anyways, what are you doing here? Where are your crooks?"

Crook Boss would look down as he was letting out a nervous sigh, something bad happened to all of them.
- "On our way here, we got surrounded by zombies. The Crooks sacrificed themselves for me, and I could only run.."
- "Ah, it's alright partner.. Just relax on the couch. They won't get you here."
- "..Thanks you Cowboy.."

Maybe Cowboy isn't as bad as he though..


f for the crooks :(

im getting a low on ideas so if you could tell me sun ideas it would be nice thanks youuu :)

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